Kyros <3


Active member
Aug 9, 2012
Queensland, Australia
Fargo- Blue and Gold Macaw
After monthsssssssss of searching for a horse, trust me, it was a very long painful process, today i finally got the perfect horse!

Kitai my thoroughbred i got in april is unfortunately has alot of problems with his hooves after being a racehorse and them not looking after his hooves properly, long long story, but poor Kitai will never be able to jump because his bone has eaten away, and i cant ride him for at least 18 months!!

And Klaatu, my black clydesdale cross is only 2 and a half, so he cant even jump till he is about 5 years old!

Hence, needed another horse to compete on!


So since july i have been searching for a 17hh horse.. Only black or grey... and only a gelding.. Quite impossible really haha

Today i went and rode this guy, fell in love, and brought him home!

I was the first person to email, cause i refresh the horse sites every second, so i saw the ad as soon as he came up... and the lady said someone else emailed 4 minutes after me.. and the right thing is for the person who contacts first, has first choice!

ANYWAYS.. 14 other people were lined up to see him after me...

She was only selling him to someone if they could ride... It seemed like she hated me... Even mum thought she wasnt going to sell him to us.. She was really snobby :S No idea why! She wasnt a great rider haha But was just so rude!

Anywho, I guess he was just meant to be! So lucky!!!

So meet Kyros, my 17hh, pure black, Hanoverian warmblood!!!

He is so solid and bold, has the sweetest, friendliest, calmest nature ever..

He got off the truck, and acted like he had been here his whole entirely life, he wasnt phased by a single thing!

Cant wait to take him to our first show

Kyros Colossal Velocity haha


and at home:

Coming for his dinner:

and little Kyros when he was a day old!

Have to buy him a new rug tomorrow, he would fit Kitais, but Klaatu destroyed his, so had to give Kitais spare to Klaatu.. Horses -_- haha

But that was my busy day!!! He is just gorgeous ! Wonder what he will think of Fargo hahaha

He is literally a dream horse!
Yes, he IS a dream horse....and I'm sitting here with tears again....HAPPY ones!!! :D

You and Kyros will go a VERY long way. NO doubt in my mind at all!!! :smile015: :smile015: :smile015:
I couldn't resist. Here is a photo of Tab's horse Great Grandfather. :D :D

Kyros truly has a pedigree that's to die for!!

Here is Calypso II (Holsteiner)
He is so cuteeeee!! I wonder why the lady was so snobby though, how weird lol!!
He is gorgeous! Congratulations! :D
OMG Tab, you have the true Black Beauty!! LOL.

I so want your life!!! Horses were always my dream and I have been riding since I was 11, now in my 40s I still ride but not as much. I said I will own my own horse before I die........I might be 83 years old by then! Need to move to a ranch.....

Lucky little girl you are and CONGRATULATIONS!!! Of course he will love Fargo! Everyone loves Fargo!! :)
I couldn't resist. Here is a photo of Tab's horse Great Grandfather. :D :D

Kyros truly has a pedigree that's to die for!!

Here is Calypso II (Holsteiner)

This pic reminds me of when I was a kid and my job was to stand there like this guy. 2 of us in charge of picking up the beams in case they fell. That horse clipped the top one and it fell right on my thumb and I passed out cold right on the obstacle course!! I don't know now, but back then these obstacles were pretty heavy!!
He is just gorgeous!!, he looks great in a ring, he's very shiny!
what a lucky young gal you are, horses, a macaw, and fostering lovely strange animals, LOL.

you should teach Fargo to stand on your horses back, and take a pic or video....hey wait, don't you have a little cowboy hat for Fargo??, that would be priceless!
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Hahaha thank you all so much!!! I am over the moon.. He is just brilliant! Love him so much!!

He really is a black beauty... Having a horse which is pure black with no white is brilliant, not very common!

Now it honestly goes to show that good things come to people who wait! And it proves that all the other horses i rode to buy were not the horse for me! and then this guy came along! :')

Casey i am not sure :S Maybe she just didnt want us to buy him? Silly people

Ohhhh Wendy, thats not even a high jump, Kyros and I will be doing that in a week ;) :eek: I still cant believe it, that is just insane, did you see in the link you sent me last night, it said 'He was a very solid and heavy horse' and yet he jumped that!! And this lady thought Kyros was too big and solid :S Riiiiight haha

Goooooooooooood morning Kyros :D

What a lovely view from his paddock hahaha

And ! I called him for his breakfast and he came over the mountain and down to the front gate to me!! :D :D

Mums boss rang me this morning, he is like my grandfather, and showed him the pictures, and he said he really is a beautiful horse, and definitely worth the money spent, and said there will be ALOT of people who envy me when i take him out :eek: haha

Mum is going to buy him his rug today, and his own special halter of course! So wont have to be in the hot sun with his black hair! Hopefully he looks after his rugs better than the 2 other boys ;)
Beautiful horse, Tab. My niece was competing on, and breeding, warmbloods until recently... she's become a mother herself so her time is spent elsewhere. Having visited a few times over the years (they're usually a long way from where I live) it seems the keeping of horses is awfully time-consuming (not to mention expensive!). She shares a property with her mum (my sister) and dad north of Sydney.
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Thank you Mike :D

Oh wow really!! Now why would you want to become a mother when you can just have horses! ;) haha

Definitely time consuming and expensive!
Takes a bit over an hour in the morning to feed, unstable, unrug.. And about 2 hours in the afternoon to brush, rug, feed, stable, clean!

Then ride for an hour each evening!!

Too hot during the day now, so at 5pm i will be having my first ride :D

Mum just went to the horse shop.. and had a little spending spree for him..

New rug, new halter, and because someone has SUCH a big head, he got a lovely new bridle, and a new bit!

Tried Kitais bridle on, he is 17.1hh, but obviously has a smaller head than Kyros! ;)

He was like yerp, mum, it doesn't fit..

Mike17, what's your sister's name? Maybe I know her?
Big head means big brains! :D
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HAHAHAHAHA I am not sure about the big brains.. I cant decide which is more dopey out of the 3 K's.. They all seem pretty slow ;)

Heres Kitai who is 7:

and Klaatu who is 2 years and 7 months.. This photo was taken about 4 months ago, he has grown alot since then! :

Love Klaatus head, he is going to be a brilliant horse when hes older!

But i think we can see i might like big dark horses ;)
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Had our first ride at home at about 5:30 today! He was a very good boy, well for his first day anyway.. :p

Was nice and calm walking around.. Trotting he got a bit excited and kept wanting to canter ;) It feels like he canters away quickly, but watching the video its actually super slow haha Didnt do anything nasty!
But boy he is strong.. Finally have a horse i have to use the muscles in my arms with hahaha

But he was very excited, totally new environment and arena!

Will take a few weeks before we understand each other!


See he doesnt even look tall next to me hehe

New halterrrr

and new rug, looks like a ghost !
You look fantastic together, Tab!!!! :smile015:

Kyros just has to get used to being ridden by "legs" rather than by hands. There is NO way his previous owner was even able to use her legs properly with him because of her size (PLUS I saw all the pictures).

You'll be great with and for each other!

LOVE the new hardware!!!! Great halter, and yes, he does look like a ghost, HAHAHAHAH. :D
Sounds like you and Kudos is a match made in heaven! He is so beautiful. All your horses are for that matter. :D

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