Kraken is changing color


New member
Dec 23, 2014
Only feed and watch wild birds. That may change...
My little Sun Conure, Kraken, is coming up on her tenth Hatchday, and I am a bit concerned about her rather sudden change in feather coloring. Before Covid, she received annual vet visits, but since 2020 she has not been seen as our vet retired, and she has seemed fine. But, her wings, and now her tail, have started to turn yellow.

Her weight is fairly consistent at 3.84 oz and 109 g, although she can go a tiny bit up or down with molting and such. Her diet has also been pretty much the same: She gets a mix of Harrison's High Potency pellets (I am changing to Maintenace pellets) mixed with Tops pellets, with a smidgeon of Top's Napolean seed mix and various blends from Avian Organics. I also add some tried bird herbs and maybe a dried hot pepper. She gets about a tablespoon of this mix a day, of which 2/3 are pellets and 1/3 is composed of the seed types. She gets only this for about 12 hours while she is in her sleeping cage.

When she moves to her bigger daytime cage, she also gets a veggie chop, some mixed fruits both of which I thaw out from an ice cube tray, and some fresh fruits on spikes, such as a slice of apple, cherry, grapes, banana, orange or whatever. She has gotten this for many years.

So now pictures:
December 2014 (She hatched on 25 October 2014)
2014 Dec 29.jpg
February 2017
2017 Feb 6.jpg
April 2019
2019 April 29.jpg
January 2024
2024 Jan 12.jpg
August 2024

And now her tail feathers appear to be growing in yellow as well. Do you think this is normal or should I be worried?
I hope some sun conure folks will chime in... also, maybe check out a lot of photos online for comparsion.

Certified Avian Vets
If none are near you...
Avian Veterinarians
In my opinion, any of the vets listed here should be better than a regular vet.
International contacts, too.
If none are near you, maybe you could call and ask for a recommendation for somebody in your area.
And... sometimes, distant vets will offer brief thoughts or advice...
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Thank you for your response and the information... No veterinarians were listed in my state (Maine), so I think I will begin phoning local vets and see if they might know of any avian vets. My former vet would come to the house which was wonderful, as he could see her cages and situation, and also because Kraken is flighted and I worry about bringing her places. Thanks again for your response.
I wonder if i could just be due to molts.
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Kraken gets lighter and lighter with each molt... she now has an appointment with a vet for later this month. Unfortunately the vet doesn't travel to see animals, so I have to get Kraken to her. I have been spoiled in this regard, I admit. Kraken is not accustomed to any travel cage so this could be an issue, especially as she is fully flighted and the vet is an hour away. But we shall see how it goes.

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