Kiwi smell


New member
Jun 27, 2013
Kiwi Stardust - a green cheek conure
Kiwi has a goose feather smell to her. I can only smell it when I stick my nose in her feathers. It's a warm comfy smell. Anyone else's conure smells like a goose? If not what do they smell like to you?
Hm, Merlin smells but I don't know how to describe it. But it's one of the most comforting smells I know, if I'm feeling sad about anything, I shove my nose into his back feathers and inhale his lovely lovely smell and it makes me feel all smushy and warm inside. :eek:

Unless he's being stinky.
I am constantly smelling my little GCCs! The smell reminds me of grassy hay. So comforting!
Grey dander has a scent. I can't really describe it other than to say it's almost like a powdered, mellow candy without the sweet... not really helpful but it's the best I can do. Wet they remind me of dog ;p.
Hmm I've never smelled a goose (or a duck before). Is it similar to a chicken?

My sun conure has a nice, comforting smell (to me anyhow). His breath, the best I could describe it, smells like a puppy's breath before they eat solid food, which I love. It also tends to smell like whatever he just ate but the puppy smell is a constant. Particularly strong right after he wakes up in the morning or after a bath.
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haha I love hearing what your conures smell like to you..looks like everyone has a different way of describing it..but the one thing similar is how comforting they smell!

Kiwi does smell like what she ate right after she eats it!! And she also does smell like wet dog after a bath ^.^

Hmm i've never smelled a goose either per say..but whenever I stay at my mother in laws place she gives us this incredibly warm blanket filled with goose feathers and it smells just like Kiwi hahaha
I think Rory smells like hay. I love it.

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