Kittens DO NOT like to be bathed


Mar 8, 2010
Washington State
Riley-white faced grey cockatiel (hatch date 6-28-2014) RIP Halloween-pied cockatiel
Back story back in April while out to breakfast with my grandmother (I take her out to breakfast about once a month even though I see her almost everyday) I was telling her about the fact Rocky was really sick and I was scared he was going to die since I woke up that morning to a small puddle of blood on my bedroom floor. And I asked where Jethro (her cat she hated but I loved) was because I hadn't seen him that day and I was told that he had died. Well fast forward to yesterday she asked me to help her find a new kitten. Well I found two and the pictures made the kittens seem healthy and I was told they were flea free and all that good stuff. Problem is when I saw them tonight I realized one looks sick and both were covered in fleas. I got them to my grandmothers house after work (I picked them up after work as well) and bathed them I started with the little one named Button my gram wanted to name it button before I even brought them home. I used dawn dish soap and realized that she looked sick which she might be or shes just underfed. Anyways as I was rinsing her off and she kept putting her face under the water causing her to accidently water board herself. It was only for a few seconds at a time but still had me worried each time. While bathing the other kitten named Fluffy because well she is fluffy was SO much easier. I had no problems with her fighting me or sticking her head under water. She looked scared but over all she gave me no problems. The problems came in when I was blow drying her she did not want to sit still. I sadly discovered that Fluffy has a broken tail. She will be fine but she will have a crooked tail forever.
No they hate to be bathed.....I stopped bathing mine cause they freak out.....But when they first came to me, all had flea baths. One bit me really good but since then I learned my lesson, before bathing, trim ALL nails first. Then hold from the back of the neck with one hand while rinsing with the other. Same with blow dry, hold the back of the neck and blow dry with the other. It works a lot easier.
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Yeah well the little kitten didn't have enough extra skin for me to grab by the scruff but I tried. The kitten still tried to water board itself. I knew cats don't like water and other than the one sticking it's face directly under the running facet I really didn't have too much of a problem the fluffy kitten just laid there and took it. I couldnt get all the fleas but I got enough to turn a white bath towel brown/black I will be giving another bath to them tomorrow but I couldn't stand bending over the sink too long since I get really bad lower back pain ever since I had a lumbar puncture AKA a spinal tap last year. For the most part if I'm moving I'm fine but standing still too long really hurts. The fluffy kitten had fleas so bad that the moment I soaped her up fleas just started falling out on my hands. I had to keep roughing up her fur to get the dead fleas out at one point she got off the towel for just a couple seconds and in the one step she took there were about 10-15 fleas that fell out of her fur.
2 of my adult cats don't mind at they will try and climb out of the tub if you aren't paying attention to them, but they don't try to bite or claw.
I got a kitten once who was also covered with fleas. When I put her into the water, she fainted! I thought she had died at first:( I took her out of the water and she woke up in a few minutes. When I put her back in to finish her bath, she fainted again. She was the easiest cat I ever had to bathe, just had to keep her head out of the water:)
The first two cats I ever bathed was two huge tortoiseshell tabbies, they came into the clinic, spitting and hissing, but they were angels, they had been groomed for shows and knew the routine. They were the exception, though.
I've never seen a fainting cat, Terry. I but you were both shocked.
I used to have a cat that loved bathes! He was great he lived with my aunt and uncle in Oregon and he was strictly a out door so when I would give him bathes (He didn't know how to bathe himself) he would swim and play in the water! Maybe he liked them because afterwards he got to snuggle with me his mommy on the couch INSIDE! By the fire :3 :D He was so cute! When I would brush him he would attack the brush! Sadly a month ago he was taken off by a bob cat. :( They live wayyyy out in the bushes! His name was Buzz and he lived with a 19yo cat named Princess she died because of old age a few weeks ago! :( They both lived a great life full of cuddles!
Poor things. We have young kittens from a stray cat we took in. They are just starting to eat solid food and one of them ended up with the runs a few days ago. Of course, it was the longest haired kitten. :eek: He didn't much like having his rear end bathed either.

Every time I've ever had to bath a cat I think, "Why didn't I clip their nails FIRST? I have to remember next time." Guess what I never remember next time? :rolleyes:
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I often forget to clip my dogs nails because my clippers are no good and I have been using the set I gave my grandmother for her little dog. Though one day I did then the next day we went to the dog park and a little dog about 15lbs started a fight with my 90lbs dog. So to break up the fight I picked him straight up by the collar it was (the best and fastest way to avoid any serious damage to the little dog). I ended up being the only one to get hurt I had a three inch scratch on my inner thigh right above my knee. If I hadn't clipped his nails I would have required stitches. That was about a month ago and while the bruise and scratch have gone away you can still see where they were

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