Kitai's progress! Horsey stuff ;)

Thank you for sharing Tab!!! I can totally relate to you and your love for animals, I feel the same way, I can't wait to get home to my animals and being at home with them is all I need sometimes. I can't wait till I can buy some property and expand my little animal family. I grew up riding and training horses and would love to do it again!!! Have a great day!
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Betrisher- HAHAHA your description of Tristan is so true :p silly horses

For some reason, Klaatu is the only horse that gets ticks.. We have never had a tick on our horses or cattle. and last year in may when i bought klaatu, he had all these ticks on him, i was picking off about 4 a day for about 3 weeks! After the first week i was picking off microscopic sized ones :eek:
Of course i went over the other horses with a fine tooth comb to see if they had any, but nope, none!! :eek:
2 weeks ago, Klaatu has 5 ticks on him, i once again checked the other horses, but still none...
I honestly have no idea how he gets them :31:

I am glad Koda was alright! Poor boy must of been terrified!

Hahaha if only you lived closer you could come and be my eventing trainer!!! I think you need to get back in the saddle hehe

Yes we went out the first week i got him just at a little pony club games day, he was upset at first, but he calmed down within 10 minutes, everyone was so impressed because they thought he was going to just go insane, but they said because i just was gentle and didnt rip his reins around, he just settled, and then they said if it was any other rider, things would of gone differently :rolleyes:
But that day we just walked and trotted around bending poles which was good for him!

Yes i think so, i am not there to win, i just want him to get out and about with the atmosphere and different jumps, which i am sure he is going to be concerned about, but should be going to that jump arena soon, so he will get practice with different colours and wings!

Jacksmom- HAHA :D If you are ever in Australia you can do it too! hehe
My dream will be going to the beach with Kitai and Fargo!
I took my arab when i was about 11, and it was amazing, just riding along the beach, then we went into the water, and we were actually swimming!
So maybe this summer will go and take Fargo as well

Hahahaha i will get mum to video tape it when we try ;) I am good at just quickly sliding off the horse if there is a problem, so hopefully no problems!

Will just take it slowly with them both, although Fargo loves horses, so he will be ok!

Forbey- Great idea!!! I will see how Kitai goes with Fargo flapping around him, and just keep him on my shoulder while i brush him or feed him! :)

Might even have a little ride of the pony who likes Fargo, and will put Fargo on my shoulder and just walk around so he gets used to the movement of the horse! At least i know the pony wont freak out, and it wouldnt be as big a fall for me! :09:

Miss Taz- Thank you!! Yes some people dont understand how amazing animals are ! I have a friend who has no animals at all, and he just doesnt understand why i love them so much!
Haha are you going to get a horse when you get property? :)
Miss Taz- Thank you!! Yes some people dont understand how amazing animals are ! I have a friend who has no animals at all, and he just doesnt understand why i love them so much!
Haha are you going to get a horse when you get property? :)

Yes I will absolutely get a horse or two when we buy some property. I can't wait to start riding again. When i was younger I swear all I did was ride when I wasn't in school or having to do chores or eat. :D

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