Kakariki leaning side to side


New member
Mar 16, 2025
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Budgies, kakarikis, cockatiels
Hi all, I was hoping I could maybe find an answer here on why my kakariki leans from one leg on the other sometimes, like a mini dance. She does this at night too, she's done it since a few months old (is now 1 year). Diet is quality seeds, veggies, greens, fruit (i noticed when she gets more veggies she does that more often). Any idea or help is welcome.
Wellllllllllllllllllll, I'm no authority, buttttttttttttttttt
My Patagonian does that very thing. Especially when music is playing, or if there's loud ambient noise...
Let's see what others think.
Nice to "meet" you.
It looks very normal to me. As long as her feet look normal (no sores, etc) I wouldn't worry.

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