New member
I have just relocated my birds to a different area of the house. It has more sunshine and windows. Its also away from the Cockatiels that Kiwi seems to hate. He's letting me pet his beak now so I guess thats an improvement. But I'm still afraid to try much more with him. Over the course of the last few days he has shown other signs of aggression. When I uncover him in the mornings he grabs his food bowl and nearly rips it out of the cage. He rakes his beak violently across his food throwing it out of the cage. All the while he's screaming at me. Today was a bit different. He did try to bite me when I took the bowl out of the cage to change the food, but when I put it back in he just sat on the perch and waited. I got Kiwi out of the cage and he's been on his toy since then. I stood and talked to him and he talked back. I reached up to pet him and naturally with his beak open ready to bite at anytime he let me scratch his beak. Loui stayed in the cage with the cockatiels last night because for some reason he didnt want back in the cage with Kiwi. I'm hoping that this move to the new room will help. There isnt as much activity back here and its where I'm at 90% of the time. I've tried to convince myself that I wanted to find a new home for him, someone who knows a bit more about birds but no matter how mean he is towards me, I just cant bring myself to do it. So here I am with a bird who for the moment hates me...and I'm just praying that whatever is wrong is over with soon. I miss being able to hold him and love on him. And its heartbreaking to think that I've done something wrong after everything I've gone through with him so far. I guess I just start over from scratch and hope for the best.