Just like a toddler..


New member
Feb 1, 2012
Winchester area, VA
So I guess Jasper is pretty lucky that I'm not working right now, he gets to be out of his cage pretty much all day. It cracks me up that he always resists going to bed at night, I have to bribe him. On the other hand though, lately he's been spending *hours* on his own playing in the cage. Just let me lock him in there and I bet it would be a different story. I guess it's not a good idea unless it's theirs.
When the sun gets low, Greybeard starts flapping his wings and saying, "Go night night." Chewbaca follows him into the spare bathroom where we keep their night cage. We cover them late in the evening after they have settled wing to wing on the perch in the open cage. She is first up in the morning.

Our older son would know when it was time to go to bed, and would lead the way. Our younger son fought going to bed. Individuals all.
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Totally true. Tico will put himself to bed when it starts getting dark outside. He has one of those snuggle things over his sleeping perch and he goes in and goes to bed on his own.
Puck always wanted to stay up if there was anything happening, but if there wasn't, he'd put himself to bed.
Picasso always lets us know when he is ready for bed. Just like a young child he get fussy and loud and obnoxious until you put him in his cage and cover it..lol

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