Just Curious: Are Rock Pebblers Restricted? Hawaii

There's one less Red Belly at Kalihi pet because I purchased one of the two last night! It's a male two years old. Much quieter than my conures, makes the odd whistle and some different types of noises.
Congrats! I know the girls who work there will be pleased he found a home!
They suggested I get the one that didn't like to bite so I got the nice one lol very friendly, steps up, went on my shoulder immediately. The other red belly, the biting one looks really curious although.
Sadly they have been in that store for quite a while now. I would bite, too!
Poor things, they told me a month but I suspect otherwise. I paid $499 for him plus I got him a cage, total came out to $850 smackers!
Ope, I came back to say that Petland has no more Rosellas but that doesn't even matter now, congratulations!!
Please post pictures of your new baby please! Do you know the gender yet?
Thanks! I will try to post up a photo tomorrow but I did put him on my avatar. Yes, he's a male, two years old. I've named him Duncan.
Interesting. I had been under the impression that they were weanlings. I guess not! Lol.
My best guess is someone dropped them off there that no longer wanted them. I'm happy he's older because even though buying from a store isnt technically a rescue I feel that I did rescue him in a way since he's two years old and not a baby. That was what I had wanted to do in my ISO post, rescue an older bird that someone didn't want anymore.
I know the sign on cage says hand fed? Very curious. I think they mean they can hand feed them treats lol I dunno but they told me twice they were two years old, a month ago when I First saw them and then again the other day.
That might be what it means! However I happen to know that at least two guys on the island who produce them (and I think there are only a few total) hand feed, one doesnt even hand feed his own birds but sells them on craigslist for someone else to feed.
I think you get the impression that they are weaned babies by the hand fed sign, I know I did. Would you normally put up a sign that they are hand fed on an older bird? Honestly, I wouldn't know.

Nevertheless, I hope someone gets the other Red Belliy that's in there. If he is a biter I think he has a lot potential if someone was willing to put in the effort to retrain him. He's a very curious boy.

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