Just adopted my new 5 yr old cag


New member
Jun 1, 2014
Ft Stewart GA
Congo african grey (Venus )
Hi I'm new to the site but have been lurking for a week now I jut picked up my adopted cag on Friday from a older couple who were having health issues and could no longer care for him any longer. His name is Venus and is beautiful I am already in love with him so sweet but I have a few questions Friday he was obviously scared so let him be and kinda scope things out from the cage and sat morning he was talking to me and making all kinds of noises he even flew to my shoulder and steps up to me today. So should I start training now or wait for a few more weeks? I also was wondering about clipping his wings because he's not to fond of my husband at the moment and my husband is scared of him I think. Will his temperament change ? I wouldn't want to but after having him here I've not realized how much our door gets opened and closed from my oldest and I'm worried that he might just decide to go right out. Anyways sorry for rambling and any advise is very much appreciated.
If he's acting comfortable I'd go ahead and do some training at his speed as long as he remains comfortable. Keep it short and fun for him.

You might do a search on the forum regarding wing clipping. There's been a lot of discussion on the subject.

And last but not least, welcome! IMO greys are the smartest birds out there. You're lucky to have Venus in your life.
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Thank you and yes I'm very lucky he is quite the comedian already.
If you think there is a chance he could fly out the door then I would take him to have his wings clipped. They will grow back with the next moult. There is only myself and my husband and both the back and front have screened in lanis so I don't worry about them flying out the door to the outside but then we live in Fla so everything is screened in. Just my opinion:)
Birds can be trained not to chase people.

Likewise, you can also set your house up to prevent flights out the door. One possible way to do this is to put floor to ceiling curtains in front of the door. Another way to do this is to put a "catch aviary" on one side of the door, and set up in such a way that only one door can be opened at a time. (i.e if both doors are open at the same time, you can't walk through)

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