I recently adopted a rescue orange wing. He is male and his name is Roscoe! He is 27 years old; his past includes 20 year of being in circus(I was told) and 7 years in a rescue. The rescue recently closed down and thats where Roscoe comes in! He came with his cage and stand. One toy we call "Binky" because its his baby and follow you if youre holding it or wherever it is. He has a biting problem and not very tame. He speaks a little; Roscoe, I love you, Yup, Youre welcome and some other noises. You can only scratch his head if he is holding "binky" sometimes, very little, he'll let you without it. His favorite treat is almonds and goldfish! I really want to work with him and hold him. I want to bond with him because I dont know his past. He will climb on your if youre sitting and holding his binky. He will bite if you try step up and boy do they hurt! If you have any advice please tell me!
ps he is molting
Im bad with uploading photos! I dont know if they went up
ps he is molting
Im bad with uploading photos! I dont know if they went up