Just adopted a BFamazon


New member
Apr 17, 2012
If anyone has advice I would really appreciate it..I just adopted an 11 year old Blue Front Amazon. He ad been hand fed and was friendly with his old owners. They had children and he used to let them pet him and liked them. He is usually friendly towards me..He will always take food from me and comes out of his cage as soon as I open the door. He gets excited and will sometimes step and and sometimes not. Sometimes he will act as if he is going to bite me and then doesn't do it. He loves to be pet. Now when my son is home (he is 8)...this bird is completely different. He begins callling out and gets extremely agitated. He has bit me extremely hard just because my son was around..Why is he doing this? Is there an adjustment period he will just need to go through? Will he always hate my son? What can I do to help fix this problem?:green: I also forgot o add that he can be very loving to me when my son isn't around..he will sing and talk and needs to be in whatever room I am in. He lets me cuddle with him, pet him..carry him around..he is still a little nervous and will act as if he might bite but he is usually ok..This is my first time with an adopted Amazon..I grew up with a handfed baby..
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It's probably too early to tell what is going to happen, but there is no shortage of birds that have a person or gender preference. It could be that he had a bad experience with a small boy or a male. Try to keep things positive when your son IS around with treats and pets. I am also eager to play with my new bird, but the best thing for the bird might be to let him settle in or on his cage for a few days. He is probably very over stimulated.
There is definitely an adjustment period. It is a huge change when they are Re-homed. Just take it very slow. Don't be pushy at all with him. When your son is around have him sit quietly in the room at first, then have him talk to your amazon. If you watch the body language you will be able to tell when to back off. Amazon's are very good to give warnings. But if you don't listen to the warnings, that is when they will bite. Be patient and give him as much time as he needs and you will end up with a wonderful friend! It took our BF Amazon almost a year to come around all the way. But she had been through a bad experience. So just take your time and have fun! They are wonderful parrots!!
That's a good point. Children tend to be louder and quicker with their movements, so try to have him be calm. I would wait to introduce them given the risk of a bite and the need for adjustment. Maybe your son can quietly read to him while he's in the cage?
Its still early days, and he will take time to settle in properly.. Its a big change for them going into a new home so he needs time to adjust... He sees you as his new Parront so when your Son comes in he is getting jealous, which unfortunately, alot of Amazons tend to do this.. Try getting your Son to sit in front of the Cage and talk to him gently, maybe offer him a treat as well, and in time he may come round to him!

I have a YC Zon whom is extremely jealous of anyone that comes near me!

Good luck with him and welcome to the Forum :)
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Is it normal for him to get mad and attack me when he sees my son though? I will have my son try sitting and reading to him. He hasn't really been loud around him, but I will tell him to try tobe extremely calm around the bird from now on.
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And yes..he does give warning signs before he bites..It's not that he just attacks and I feel like because I have been bitten extremely hard by him one time, that most fo his little bites are just nips because he could bite a whole lot harder if he wanted. I did get him a new cage today because his old cage was on the small side. I hope that helps a little because almost all of his aggression seemed to be when he was sitting on top of his old cage. It was the size of a cockatiel cage..He is a much happier boy now in an enormous cage!
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He was given to us in that cage...I don't want anyone to think that I would house an Amazon in anything that small..
My birds were scared of my son at first. He was so excited he was coming on a little strong. Finally with me constantly reminding him to just sit back and relax he started to play his DS and forgot about the birds. As soon as he as he did one of the birds started crawling all over him and then the other. Now they will step up to him and give kisses. I've been working on him not having fear or showing it if they bite. We talk about what their body language and sounds mean. Luckily my guys are little so the bites aren't too bad.
Congrat....All perrot has issue to work on and just now he is adapting to you, your family and the inviroment and is sure a little scared and undsertain. Observe and try not to correct just now, just try to avoide this situation, find a way around and just take it easy forward. In time you will find out precisly what the issue is and why and the you can think out a plan for long time improvement. Good luck
Hes not attacking you when he sees your son, he is trying to warn you. He sees you as part of his flock and is letting you know someone else is there. Make sure to reassure the bird as well, tell him its okay, thats bob, hes part of our flock too. They are extremely smart and if he doesnt understand now, he will soon. Have the bird watch you interact with your son as well, reading or playing a game together. Its just a matter of time and patience. :) and remember, even though your son isnt acting excited or nervous physically, a bird picks up on emotion extremely well too, so it might work better for both to distract your son with something like watching a quiet movie so he becomes relaxed and the bird can see it.
Yes, it is normal for him to bite you when he is really irritated with your son coming in the room. They will bite who ever is closest. Our Amazon doesn't do this. But my Jenday conure does. He gets nervous around my grand kids, and if he is on my shoulder and they come in the room, he will bite me! I have been working on getting him used to the kids by having them talk to him and give him treats and it has gotten better. He is not allowed on my shoulder when the kids are around though. But our Amazon uses a lot of intimidation. She will act like she is going to bite, but she doesn't actually bite. She actually really likes kids, and gets excited when they come over. It is funny how they each have their own personalities. I am sure your Amazon will get better with your son. Like we said just take it slow, and tell your son to be patient and not to get discouraged.

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