just a little update

hey Jt, surprised I didn't hear about the PA hoarder can you PM me details? I heard all about the one in Delaware and that didn't turn out so well~

Trio this wasn't anything "big" like national news it was just in the small town in pa. And a rescue team of lancaster called cart came and responded then called me and my father to take care of the parrot end of it all.

Was it FS that came to the rescue?
heres some pictures of the macaws enjoying the outside, sadly i only managed to snap a few pictures because i ws busy playing with them:p.



rueben got a new pvc stand because i really hated his black metal one. He would take the huge wooden perches on it and throw them and it was just so bulky and annoying. so he got this:


and we were at a pet store and seen this huge java perch cheap so we bought it i have no idea who is getting it or how im gonna hang it as it weighs atleast 15 pounds and is enourmous. I may mount it to the top of a cage i believe.
Baby girls getting big :) Nice stand [I bet you get good at making those with all your birds !
well sadly i cant take credit for the pvc stand as it is rather old, a lady used to make them as a buisness along with toys. She doesnt do it anymore but her stands were made to last! i picked it up used from a main that his wife had passed and he was getting rid of the bird stuff he had left from rehoming his birds:(... he was happy to see it was getting put to great use though;)
Ok well I'm gonna give another little update because a good bit has been going on:).

Yesterday we had an outreach at a pet place that is putting toghether a collation of rescues and building is alliance per say. So we had an event by them and it was amazing! I took a couple of my guys out and some adoptable rescues as well. Baby girl just happened to make an appearance;) although by the end of the day I got tired of hearing" what's wrong with that bird is she stressed"? I asked for it I suppose. I did start telling people as a joke that I pull her feathers:p. but she had fun singing her macaw opera and so on. I am looking into getting one of those neat hoodies tab bought for Fargo, for baby girl.

While we were out we bought another java perche to mount on top of a cage as the other one was to big for on top of the selected cage. But this one was to -.-, o well I think we will just make a stand out of them because they are big enough to be a stand lol.

I'll be uploading some pics ASAP of the event and so on probably after I get baby's hoodie:), thanks everyone and hope you are all doing great!
Does Baby Girl grow pin feathers on her chest? If so, she may not be happy wearing clothing because it can irritate new feathers. Fully feathered birds can wear clothing since their feathers lay flat underneath the material. Just something for you to consider.
Does Baby Girl grow pin feathers on her chest? If so, she may not be happy wearing clothing because it can irritate new feathers. Fully feathered birds can wear clothing since their feathers lay flat underneath the material. Just something for you to consider.

Hey thanks for the concern, yea she does and I took this into consideration before but I have out clothes on her before and she has never minded. I thought the same thing, but she is ok with it and I take the cloths of when I'm not home just because is orry about her getting caught in them then after that I out hem back on and she has always loved them! If I see anything different with the hoodie then I will not use it but I dont see her being bothered:p

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