Julio's Yearly Check-up!


Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
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Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
Well a bit more than one year as we have him on a 5/4 (15 month) schedule as this schedule shifts his Check-Up around the Calendar so that his blood tests looks at every quarter of the year. Likely a bit more important with a female, but still useful with our male Double Yellow-Headed Amazon!!

Blood tests will be in over the long weekend, but the gram stain provided no issues. And surprise, surprise his heart and air sacks are healthy. Our vet commented on his strength and slimness as he came in at scant 510 grams. It is not unusual for this specific to easy push 600 grams and heavier as a companion parrot.

For those in the know, Julio has plucked his tail feathers for the last 6 years. For the last four years we have with the help of our vet completed a minor monthly rounding /blunting of his upper and lower Bill points. This has limited the plucking to only feathers with no skin damage, which is so common. If we had not lost our CAV, three years ago, this would have made for a document for the Spring 2024 CAV convention.

With his normal need to add a bit of drama he goes into heavy, deep breathing after released on the examination table, which always confounds our vet as he states that he never shows any signs of stress during the procedures. So, Yes, HRH has to place a bit of drama afterwords to prove his dislike for someone ruffling his feathers!

Aaa, life with a Drama King!!
Well a bit more than one year as we have him on a 5/4 (15 month) schedule as this schedule shifts his Check-Up around the Calendar so that his blood tests looks at every quarter of the year. Likely a bit more important with a female, but still useful with our male Double Yellow-Headed Amazon!!

Blood tests will be in over the long weekend, but the gram stain provided no issues. And surprise, surprise his heart and air sacks are healthy. Our vet commented on his strength and slimness as he came in at scant 510 grams. It is not unusual for this specific to easy push 600 grams and heavier as a companion parrot.

For those in the know, Julio has plucked his tail feathers for the last 6 years. For the last four years we have with the help of our vet completed a minor monthly rounding /blunting of his upper and lower Bill points. This has limited the plucking to only feathers with no skin damage, which is so common. If we had not lost our CAV, three years ago, this would have made for a document for the Spring 2024 CAV convention.

With his normal need to add a bit of drama he goes into heavy, deep breathing after released on the examination table, which always confounds our vet as he states that he never shows any signs of stress during the procedures. So, Yes, HRH has to place a bit of drama afterwords to prove his dislike for someone ruffling his feathers!

Aaa, life with a Drama King!!
Awesome news that Julio is slim and trim and pretty darned healthy, Uncle Boats, and thriving under your vigilant and caring stewardship!! HAAAAATE waiting for blood test results though, and here's hoping they reinforce the remainder of his exam 🤞 Your King Of Drama should be healthily in charge of his Realm for many years to come!! 💝
Best of luck with King Julio. Emperor Rickeybird goes in about every six weeks as we struggle to find the best solution to his blood/hematocrit issues. I do dread it. He's no gentleman. I think it was you who coined the phrase that he "doesn't care for the hospitality there" and makes it KNOWN.
But serously, I'm so grateful for avian veterinary medicine. 40 years ago, when the Rb was young, they were rare birds. I made a joke!
Got a late afternoon call from Julio's Vet and the Chems were back with positive results, which equals one very healthy King Amazon!! He did have a couple of odd levels on a couple of the obscure tests that can vary widely due to the small sample size for parrots. Have seen it before.

Hail to the King!! Long live the King!!
If only he was not such a Drama King!!
🎼 Hail to the Drama King!
Blood tests back,
Best we've ever seen, oh yeah!! 🎶

With MANY apologies to a certain Swedish pop group!!

'Boats my friend you could not end the year with better news! Here's to many more years of Julio having the same results when tested. Have a Happy and prosperous New Year!

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