New member
- Nov 19, 2012
- 1,225
- 1
- Parrots
- Sydney - Blue Front Amazon
Gonzo - Congo African Grey
Willow - Cockatiel
Snowy, Ivy, Kiwi, Ghost - Parakeets
Berry - Cinnamon GCC
Hi Aquila,
Sorry to hear this.
Will you share w/ us the fasts that you have done? B/c every fast & cleanse I've ever done have Always yielded positive results. I'm interested to hear about it. If of course you want to share . . . :heart:
I've done water fasts, juice fasts, different tea fasts and cleanses, cabbage soup fasts, apple cider vinegar, protein shakes, etc. At one point I got down to a dangerously low weight (110 at 5'10.) I dealt with disordered eating while trying to improve my sports performance as a teen, and later on in my early to mid 20's due to body dysmorphia.
I've been vegetarian and different types of vegan at different points in my life, mostly after contracting lyme disease and developing an intolerance to beef for a number of years. I've suffered chronic illness my whole life, and in the last few years I've had to drastically change my diet due to transient gastroparisis and currently eat low fiber, low fat. I've lost 70lbs in the last year due to not being able to digest food properly. There hasn't been anything I've been able to do that's improved my health beyond medication, otherwise I'm totally nonfunctional. My level of disability has drastically increased in the last two years, at one point I was bedbound for about 8 months.
I tried fasts to improve my digestive health, but saw no improvement and often suffered increased fatigue and digestive issues, blood sugar issues and serious kidney and galbladder issues.
Well that's awful![]()
I'm so sorry to hear this! Have you seen any holistic docs or nutritionists or just conventional?
Are you saying the Lyme caused your gastroparisis? B/c I've never heard Lyme bacteria effecting the gut only the joints, heart & brain.
How is it now? Were you able to regain the motility in your intestines?
I contracted Lyme in the spring 0f '07. The Lyme bacteria went straight to my heart and reeked havoc w/ my conduction system. I was in complete heart block and after 10 days in the hospital & w/ many attempts, they couldn't reverse the damage. I had to get a pacemaker. It is what it is ....
Lyme caused a temporary allergy to beef, but I've always been allergic to dairy. I contracted it when I was 13, and I'm allergic to most antibiotics so they had trouble treating me. I've had arthritis since then, and I don't know if my heart was affected then, but I had a TIA (transient ischemic attack, aka mini stroke) a few years ago and they discovered a heart valve problem, don't know if I was born with it or it was caused by one of many viral infections I've had over the years.
My digestive issues are likely caused from ongoing nerve damage, including my spine and inflammation. I only started having these issues a few years ago as well, and there hasn't been any substantial improvement. Since it's related to my spine and nerves, it seems to come and go, I might have a day or two once in a while where I'm fine. It's possible that my vagus nerve is affected.
I've seen a variety of doctors and specialists, but my finances are limited. I do see doctors that are affiliated with the major colleges here, University of Penn and Temple.