Jolly's First SHOWER, Shower!

Beautiful pic! I don't shower with Kumar anymore since the "nipple incident". :) he showers in the kitchen sink.
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Yeah, mine like cool showers. They don't like warm water all that much, and don't like hot showers at all...

Now, of course, he's gonna wanna get soaked every time you take a shower.

Same here. Mine are partial to cooler showers as well. Maya went through a stage where she wanted warm water, but that only lasted around two weeks and ended as abruptly as it began. Lol!

As for them wanting to get soaked every time I take a shower... fortunately for me, the two bathrooms with showers are on the upper floor and well out of earshot of their usual haunts, so I don't get guilted too often. Heh, heh.

Well doesn't Jolly look pleased with himself after his big shower! He's such a handsome boy. Now, you do realize that by allowing him in the shower once, he will want to shower with you EVERY TIME from now on right:D? Ya, we made that mistake with Kiwi, he's a shower-fiend now and will jungle-call for you if you "forget" him.

Thanks, April! And like I told Mark, my house layout saves me from any potential shower-fiending that may occur. Lol!

Glad Jolly has taken to the shower (fingers crossed)!! Gizmo and Pebbles are big shower fans, and I think it's a big bonding time (I feel Pebbles trust level increased dramatically after we showed her the joy of a shower). The downside is they definitely like them cool, and I should get a perch, picture two arms held out to make a ring, Pebbles sitting under the water and Gizmo madly running under the shower before running up my arm wings spread and using my neck and shirt to dry off his face, before running around my neck and down the other arm to jump back under the water.

I've never joined them under the shower, but we all seem to end up



Thanks, Cameron! I don't think I'd ever brave both of my feathered children in the shower at once, but like you I've gotten my clothes drenched more than once facilitating their aquatic madness! But it's most certainly worth it.
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  • #23
Beautiful pic! I don't shower with Kumar anymore since the "nipple incident". :) he showers in the kitchen sink.

Thanks Chris!

And... Hahahaha! Ouch! I'm sorry. I don't mean to laugh. But OUCH! And judging from pics you showed from way back when of the rapid-fire damage little Kumar is capable of inflicting, I'm definitely flinching at the thought!

I've tried the kitchen sink, though. Both act like, as Karen said, I'm trying to spray them with acid! Hahaha! So occasionally drenched clothing is my go to option at the moment.
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After today's shower! I love the regal pose he assumes for his pics!

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