Jewel HATES bathes... What can I do to help her?


May 13, 2014
Blue Headed Pionus 3yo (Jewel), Green Cheek Conure 3yo (Charlie), Congo African Grey 5yo (Baby Girl), White Capped Pionus 1yo (Leo), Blue Fronted Amazon 4yo (Zora)
When I received Jewel I was told that she bathed in a water bowl in her cage. So when I got her I gently introduced the spray bottle, giving her misting showers. She does not like it. I tried putting some water in the sink with a bath mat, and she completely flipped out so I pulled her out before she hurt herself. She didn't bite me or anything, but she was clearly mad at me for the rest of the day. Back to spray bottles, she gives me a little attitude, but nothing like the sink episode. I have since put a bird bath in her cage, but she has no interest in it... What can I do?? I don't want her to resent me for her regular bathing, but I will not, not bathe her. Ideas??
Mister setting on a hose outside on nice days might help.

Otherwise, just bathe her anyway. "Get used to it bird, you have to."
This is a recent victory with Buddy. I took him in the shower with me on my shoulder. I had a shower perch ready but no, he won't touch it. After showering with him on my shoulder, he joined in. Now if I turn the shoulder he is not on under the water, he will run to it to get wet. We are still taking "group showers" together, keeping the shower perch in the mix. I think by being in the water with him, it's a flock thing. Have you tried that?
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Taw5106, I have not tried that yet. I will get her a shower perch. I can't take her in my shoulder because the poor girl has the worst balance with her feather issues currently going on. I'm hoping it will better over time as new feathers come in, but until then she's a weeble-wobble. She only climbs on a shoulder if we're sitting on the ground, and I don't trust her balance enough to try to stand up. I just hate it when she falls. We all walk on eggshells when holding her. Hopefully time will help her with everything, but in the mean time she is completely babied... are we setting ourselves up for an overly spoiled bird?? LOL
Can't blame you for spoiling her. Jewel sounds like a darling girl. I hope the shower perch works for her, that would be ideal. If not, have you tried offering her a bath dish while you are playing with her on the floor? If she sees you playing in the water, she may not be able to resist hopping in. I would keep offering the bird bath in her cage too, she might change her mind.
My pionus likes sitting in the shower with us on his perch. He's clumsy on the shoulder too, especially after a nail trim and he doesn't have those needles to dig into our skin LOL. I think it's a pionus thing. Big ol' feet and bodies :D

She'll come around. It took pascal about 4 months to really enjoy showers, otherwise he just sat under the water and we "washed" him.
Robin has always hated baths of any type. After 20 years of just having to do it anyway... He's so much better now ;) lol
Victorycc124, it sounds like we have some common issues. My Maxi Pi has very poor balance (feather and leg injuries from before I got her) and it is hard for her to keep her balance on my shoulder when walking around.

For whatever reason she is very scared of running water so I don't think she would enjoy a group shower. She will occasionally bathe in her water dish but doesn't get nearly wet enough. I have never pushed her but from the responses on here I guess I should just spray her even if she doesn't like it. I am glad you started this thread. Thanks!
My Pi's love taking a mist bath, but only if the vacuum is running. I found a vacuum running loop on Youtube that I play, and they both go crazy for it:)
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I will try the bath dish on the floor today, that sounds like another good idea, as she is very curious of most things that I play with (which is also the only way I can introduce toys and perches to her without her being terrified). Thank you for all the suggestions, I will try each and everyone. I really appreciate all the input.
RavenGryf, I just pray it doesn't take that long. ;)
My Pi's love taking a mist bath, but only if the vacuum is running. I found a vacuum running loop on Youtube that I play, and they both go crazy for it:)

HaHaHaHa that is so funny. What is it with the vacuum? Cracks me up.

I like the bath on the floor idea. Try sitting her in a large shallow dish of water. I did that with Larry, then eventually moved the bowl to the cage, and he now takes baths nearly every day. Even sits in the bowl and enjoys for awhile.
Larry has a play cage aside from his 'abode' that I put the bath in, so as not to get everything in his home wet.
He didn't want to bathe the other day, so I slowly poured the water into the bath from a cup, he watched and heard it, then went in on his own.
Just an idea, It's been working for me :)
I was going ask about the vacuum to, what's the magic with it???
I'm not sure why they love the vacuum so much, unless it sounds like a rainstorm to them. As soon as I start the vacuum (either the real one or the Youtube version) almost every parrot is ready for their bath. If I don't mist them, they will start bathing in their water dishes. My conure is the only one who hates bathing, no matter what I do.

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