Jet Talking on video


Active member
Jan 14, 2015
San Antonio
Cora lovebird
Sky parakeet
[ame=""]Oh I see myself. I'll talk now. - YouTube[/ame]

He saw himself and just started talking.
OH MY GOODNESS!!! So cute! He knows how handsome he is! "Jets a pretty bird"
That is too cute! I have never heard a tiel speak! How precious!
Wow! How sweet is that! Jet is absolutely right, he's a very pretty bird, with a darling voice! He speaks so clearly.

Thanks for sharing, Grace! Jet's nares look normal in the video, has the dark color gone away?
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Thanks everyone.

Newsbi I never expected him to talk. I'm trying to teach him I love you.

Allee its Rex that has the problem. He's getting steam baths and its going away but not gone yet.

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