Jardine's Parrot, a new owner

Finally Jardy's home :)!

What I do is vary my birds' routine. That way they don't 'expect' a certain thing to happen at a certain time. My daily schedule can vary, and I don't want the birds to be in a routine that I can't uphold every single day.

Good news is, Pois are very good about being independent when trained to be so from a young age. Good luck, have fun with her!
Yeah I don't want a "SET" schedule for Jardy. Because my work schedule varies every day, every week, all month long, and even weekends I may have something planned at some point on in the day.

What is set though is that when I get home from work, she gets to come out (she doesn't scream for it) although I always shower first and get a drink, etc. before letting her out so i'd like to think she knows to wait later on in the day, it's just the morning we have issues with.

I've decided to introduce a stick to get her to step on to (rewarding her with small almond pieces when she does so and praising her well) because I am tired of her attitude when it comes to not wanting to do something and resulting in me either getting uncomfortable pressure bites, or what happened last night when i tried to get her off dad, a bloody cut.

Honestly, should have done it in the first place, since I don't trust her, and she clearly doesn't trust me. Now I've learned though.

I get her play stand set up this weekend with my paycheck so she'll FINALLY have something to do out of her cage instead of sit on the door and stare or find her way on my desk to try and chew on chords, which I quickly tell her no in a stern voice and remove her. I also order goldenfeast on Monday and some toys I have in my cart from Petsmart to put on said play stand. :P

My plan for my first bird, spoiled with toys and a big cage and play area, but not with attention. And by that I mean opposite of what the petstore did to her. I have 4 years of bad habits to break through. She is never again going to get away with screaming for attention/to get let out of her cage. Nor is it ever going to be acceptable again to 'bite the hand that feeds her' lol. I love all my animals, even my geckos who could care less about me, but I am very stern with them. They all know what is, and is not acceptable (cept the geckos cus.... you don't... really teach geckos) but that's not saying Im 'mean' to them. they just know who's the 'boss'.
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Yes, Stick training is definitely necessary with those Pois ;). With Griffin, at times where I think he "might" bite, I tell him a stern but calm 'no biting' before stepping him up. It works a lot of the time. He's bite pressure trained (knows full well how hard he's supposed to go) but will still ignore it if he's agitated or 'punishing' me for not letting him out earlier lol.

I'm pretty good at reading Robin most of the time, after knowing him for so long I've gotten better at it. Pois also have such subtle body language a lot of the time, and can be easy to miss. Then as with any species, they will sometimes bite with no noticeable body language at all.
yeah, Jardy doesn't really give any indication she's going to bite, but as of now I KNOW that if I ask her to step up off anything that she is even remotely interested in, she'll attempt to give me the beating of my life.

However... I can touch her beak easily when she's perched on her door and she'll 'lick' at it or gently nom on it. She's interested in my finger nails too, tries to chew on them but I always gently pull away. So... it's just so weird when she goes from that to wanting to rip my finger off the next second

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