Jack sat on my hand for the first time!


New member
Nov 15, 2013
South Africa
Percy, a 5yo BFA & Jack, a 8yo Budgie
Jack has been the 'family budgie' for 8 years. He came to us along with his nest mate, Jill. They were pretty content together and played with toys, each other and sometimes, the family. But they preferred each other. Sadly Jill died three years ago and poor Jackie really took it hard. He became 'wild' (wouldn't let anyone near him), withdrawn and solitary. He stopped playing with his toys, except for a mirror which, although we knew it wasn't good for him, we couldn't remove because of the abject misery he would display if it was taken away.

In an effort to help him, we tried adopting another female about a year after Jill died but he attacked her and would not stop screaming until she was out of sight AND earshot. We eventually returned her to the breeder because she was becoming traumatised but Jack's animosity.

Long story short, he started to 'thaw a bit' after two years and we could go back to interacting with him carefully but he would not allow physical contact or hands in his cage. He also started accepting very small toys and would play with them from time to time (still would not give up his mirror).

Since Percy came, he has perked up considerably, has a lot more to say and has become much more interactive. They can see each other all day and I think watching Percy play like a manic has showed him what he's been missing.

So, noticing this, I slowly started introducing more toys for Jack and spent a lot of time around his cage, sometimes 'accidentally' resting my hand on the cage, chatting to him briefly, feeding him millet through the bars,etc. Today, I put my hand in his cage to hang a new toy....and he jumped on it!! He's NEVER in his life sat on anyone's hand! I held still (but almost had heart failure!), told him what a brave and clever bird he is and after about a minute, he hopped off my hand to inspexct the new toy.

I'm thrilled to be able to post something about Jackie boy at last! I'm sure we will continue to make progress.
That is quite the accomplishment for you both! What a great feeling:)
birds are an example of true love.... poor jack! but, im so happy hes getting over it!! well that was really sweet of him ( the sitting on your hand part) and i cant believe he just came on himself!! whoa!! i see the beginning of a beautiful bond between you two :)
Awww good for you, Jack. <3 Poor little birdy. Lucky to have a patient family.
yay!....that is awesome news.... I'm sure it made your day.

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