It’s time for “What is Kirby doing”!


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2019
Seattle WA
Kirby - OWA, 33yrs old (2019-)
Broccoli - Dusky Conure - 3?mo old (July 2023 -)
(Rehomed) Sammy - YNA, 45 yrs old (2022-2023)
(RIP) Cricket - Cockatiel (2019-2022)
This goober has spent ALL DAY trying to climb from his cage to the inset shelf thing where his humidifier and his herb planter is, but I have not yet gotten cord protectors for the stuff up there so he’s not allowed.

I scooted some cords around and made a safe space for him to see what he’d do…and he did whatever this is, while making the weirdest jet engine noise.

He is for sure a he, we had him DNA tested.

After a few more thwarted attempts to get back over there (I didn’t want him going behind it where the outlet was) he’s now sitting on his tree as if he did not just act totally unhinged, lol. I’ve never seen him make those noises before! He let me pet him but was reluctant to leave that spot.
I guess I should add what I think - given the time of the year and the fact that right before this he spent several minutes attacking his trash can (it was SO cute, IDK why, LOL) I think it’s a hormonal thing; do male orange wing amazons also nest? I am going to have to research it now.

Honestly he has been feeling and acting so much better this year. I am so happy I have no words. He seems to have really made a full recovery from the sad, sick perch potato we adopted back in September 2019. I hope he is with us another 20 years or more; we all love him and love hanging out with him and watching his antics.

Edited to add: Oh! It looks like Orange Wing Amazons also nest in tree cavities, like Yellow Napes. It’s possible he sees the wall inset area, with it’s planter and humidifier and “cavelike” appearance, to be like a tree cavity! I wonder then if he’s coming on to me, LOL. I’ve just never heard him make that noise. I don’t pet him below the head or do anything else to encourage that behavior! I think he’s just feeling really healthy and spunky this year, lol.
A few years back, I had a BFA that made that kind of noise, with some added honking sounds when he was having his way with his moppy toy, or my wife's hair. 🙄 Gross, and we'd try to stop it, but once he latched on, disturbing it was a good way to lose a finger. He loooooved my wife... every chance he could get 🤣
The noise is a little bit different than what I am use to.
The chicken scratches (we call it the funky chicken) is very much nest making behavior.
From my experience They can go into nest making behavior any time of year.
The noise is a little bit different than what I am use to.
The chicken scratches (we call it the funky chicken) is very much nest making behavior.
From my experience They can go into nest making behavior any time of year.

The noise was what was most surprising, I’ve never heard him make that noise before! It was almost like the noise Cricket would make when he was trying to beg for food as a baby, but Kirby has a bowl of pellets right by him.

And now he’s back to his usual yelling self, screaming so that the Apple Support Bot can’t tell what I’m trying to say, LOL.
Oh, I didn't even notice the scratching. Yup, my Baxter had a heavy season with hormones last month or so. Scratching and shredding ALL the paper on the bottom of her cage. It was a new behavior for her, and man am I glad she's finally past it. I thought for sure she was going to start laying, but fortunately didn't happen. Thank goodness!
My male cockatiel visitor has fiercely.giarded his nesty spot from Opie - who was UTTERLY SHOCKED the first time it happened! 😂🤣 (He 100% deserved to be told off, the silly seed thief!)

Opie is always into something! I don’t know how you handle all his antics! I sure enjoy hearing about them though, from a safe distance! 🤪

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