It has been 1 year for me and Fargo!

He looks amazing!!!! Congrats and thanks for all the pics!
I love all the pictures. You have had quite the journey and he is thriving now. You have done a really great job with him. He looks great.
Thanks for showing the photos Tab and letting us in on the journey of you two. His feathers are a lot better. I was surprised to see how his feathers use to be. I am surprised about how you described how Fargo was like at first. I personally never seen a bird like that but I also am surprised about those female macaws behavior. Captain Jack will step up on other peoples hands but he act like he is doing them a favor and tolerating them. He never gives my mom a kiss or acts like he wants to be around her.
Thanks everyone!

I am so happy to see how he has changed, and to think he could of just been in an aviary for the rest of his life as a breeder, because he wouldnt make a good pet right!!!

Abigal, i guess he was housed with alot of other macaws, so they all picked on each other and messed around, so his feathers were bad? and they never had a shower, so i guess thats why!!

I kinda love that he wasnt a super cuddly baby like most..

You know how they say- as babies they are just sooo cuddly...

And Fargo never was that.. for about 6 months he would sleep on my lap..

And each day, he gets cuddlier and cuddlier than he was before!!

So i guess thats a plus ! :p
I know it has been ages since this post went up / is there a sequel?

Really interested to find out if the special bond survived puberty (the birds), college-years (the human) etc..

(most vets I know have absolutely no time to spare for time-heavy and demanding pets in their lives, but there might be an exception here...)
I can confirm this special bond is still as special. Tab and I regularly talk and Fargo is as gorgeous as he was then.
That is wonderful news \o/
Thank you.

Almost anyone can deal with a mallable baby-bird (propperly weaned) but once they get to be that 'difficult age' they often end up all over the craighslists of this planet.
I am so glad to hear these 2 made it :)
Thanks for the rebump. cool story.. What seems strange to me is the number of thank yous then.... compared to almost no macaw thank yous today.

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