It bit me!!!

Can you take a frontal picture of him/her?

"Hasn't molted yet, so I'm not sure that would matter."

Sometime you can tell even before the molt. I knew Rio was a female 100% when I got her at 16 weeks. There was no doubt. She was Dna'd two years later by her new owner which confirmed what I already knew. So it can matter.

The only reason I said that is some times when they molt the green feathers go away, etc. I know with Sydney he had a lot more green feathers before his first molt.
Is this what you mean by frontal? Or do you mean spread eagle? Lol


  • image.webp
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Is this what you mean by frontal? Or do you mean spread eagle? Lol

Yes, that's great! lol I was trying to see how far the V pattern extended in the front. On a female the V will sometimes extent as far as between the legs, whereas on a male V usually ends about mid chest level. Thank you.
"Hasn't molted yet, so I'm not sure that would matter."

Sometime you can tell even before the molt. I knew Rio was a female 100% when I got her at 16 weeks. There was no doubt. She was Dna'd two years later by her new owner which confirmed what I already knew. So it can matter.

The only reason I said that is some times when they molt the green feathers go away, etc. I know with Sydney he had a lot more green feathers before his first molt.

Totally get it... :09: your male has no green near the vent whereas the female has green feathers... Can you show a frontal of both your birds to show the V?
The only reason I said that is some times when they molt the green feathers go away, etc. I know with Sydney he had a lot more green feathers before his first molt.

Totally get it... :09: your male has no green near the vent whereas the female has green feathers... Can you show a frontal of both your birds to show the V?

I'll try to take a pic tonight. When I got Sydney he had green feathers by the vent, molted them out and they were replaced by yellow.
Gotta love it! I have had my ear, cheek, and lip pierced, not at the same time! And this was from the bird that chose me as her mate!

Interesting. Oscar chose my wife as his mate (obviously), and I'm just his "good buddy", yet she has received more bites than I have. He gets more excited by her, that's probably the explanation?

But we are lucky in that 99% of the time he announces it. (and we learned to read him)

Previously, when in his cage, he would step towards us and turn his head to show he wanted petting, continued to turn his head so you wouldn't miss a spot, and then SNAP! bite in the finger he was enjoying 0.2 seconds ago. However, he has learned to skip that last part. He still opens his beak, grabs the finger, and then seems to remember, and just gives a few licks on the finger before another petting round.

He only made me bleed once, and that's when I was bringing a new toy to his cage. He wasn't in there, but he flew to me and bit the hand that was holding the toy *hard*. I'm not sure if he wanted to bite me or the toy, but he clearly saw the situation as a threat. The speed at which this happened was rather amazing. Forgot to mention he doesn't mind us sticking our hands in the cage for cleaning etc. so that wasn't the reason: he didn't like the color/sound/shape of the toy I suppose.

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