is talking a good thing?


New member
Jul 13, 2011
M2's, U2's, G2's, RB2's, VOS, RLA's, BFA's, DYHA's, Dusky Pionus, Blue and Green Quakers, Meyers Parrots, VOS, GW Macaw's, Harlequin Macaws, Tiels, YNA, TAG's, CAG's, Blue Crown Conures, Red sided Ecl
So today I brought Miko in from the aviary to work with his stepping up. I had him on a playstand in the living room. I decided to take a shower first (because it's been unnaturally hot here and my jeep broke down and I had spent some time sweating while waiting for my mechanic to send his tow truck). I was in the shower and I heard someone knock on the door... I thought it was just a package and no big deal they'd leave it on the porch.... The next thing I heard was a womans voice say "come on in" quite loudly.... I heard the door open.... my heart lept out of my chest I jumped out of the shower and grabbed my bathrobe and ran to the living room in time to see the UPS guy standing in my front room. I had to explain (briefly since I was in my bathrobe) that the parrot had invited him in. Anyway, it was just one of many times that a parrot has caused some confusion.... my husband was talking to an African Grey a couple months ago (while I listened from the living room with my son) thinking he was talking to me. We had an African grey with a thick southern accent and the worst language you could imagine nearly ruin my afternoon when some of my friends from the local seminary were visiting, and on and on the list would go. But today it was our Harlequin Macaw who decided it was perfectly acceptable to invite everyone into my house. Lol :D
That is a typical parrot, must have been hilarious
When a neighbour came to visit, Jenny said hello to Mishka, he replied... shuuu oh shut up, I LOVE YOU Give me a kiss mwah mwah
LoL.................. all was forgiven
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