Is she plucking?? or is it something else???

Yes, the itching/irritation caused by moulting/molting can cause a bird to assist old feathers in getting gone.....the belly shot doesn't look like she's damaging any follicles and it doesn't look like, at least not in that pic, she's messing with any of her pins.....

Yes, the stress and abnormal activity that's gone on recently could affect her, given this is her first moult/molt and she may not really know what's going on with her body.....

When birds moult/molt, they should receive added calcium in their diet, because new feathers, like with laying hens, deplete their body's calcium reserves.....

Do you know what the humidity level is in you home? 40%-60% are good levels to maintain.....anything higher and you may be looking for mold growth and anything lower and you should notice a dryness or might clamminess in your mouth.....too dry causes birds's skin to be itchy.....

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and Frank Indiviglio who used to be with the Bronx Zoo (NYC), likes the Zilla 11577

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you must be pretty stressed yourself over all of these recent events :( i wonder, if she is picking up the stress from you and the other birds (Num Num with his jaw, he must be pretty stressed too with that and vet visits), it might be a trigger since it just started.

my munch is a hormonal plucker, she plucks when she's on eggs, but she has mutilated in the past. it's frustrating trying to find the cause, so i feel your pain. i'm so sorry :(

thanks Dally, I never thought about any of my birds picking up on my stress!, now I feel retarded :32:

with her in her cage more with Luna, He has been such a cling on with her and always has been. He never leaves her side ever, even when they are out, and I wondering if that is contributing to her plucking. she gave him such a nip the other day, she booted him out of the snuggy hut, he looked so dejected:(
In reality he is a very needy type of bird with her, he also feeds her which is great, but is a bit too clingy.

If that is what? these two are very bonded, it was love at first sight for both, which I was really happy for both of them. not very often do you get two birds that run to each other with open (arms)wings, I mean I have never seen two birds really meant for each other as these two are.

the bonus for me as they are both tame, and lovely birds, and I don't want to separate them if I don't have to.
I guess time will tell, today I will be watching her closely to see what she is doing, and I'll be putting on more cream today.

she might just be reacting to him out of stress, something is bothering her, be it molting, hormones, environmental stress, etc. she may just be lashing out.

how old are they? i noticed around 7-10 months old, my lovebirds started bickering more and more as the hormones kicked in. mine are siblings though and they now don't always get along. but mine the bickering started early. yours may not have a problem, it may just be a stage. :)

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