Is my setup for lovebirds OK?

Iā€™m a new member and love it here. Seasoned advice from bird lovers is what I came here for, and itā€™s exactly what you are getting...
I know nothing about loveys in particular, this is my first one of the species. That said, just reading your response to everything, I would fear for your birds if they breed... so much can go wrong. Kittens is a walk in the park compared to baby birds!
Iā€™ve tried handfeeding babybirds that were rejected by their parents when my own family had an outside aviary and itā€™s hard! Only 1 ever survived it...
Just focus on giving your current birds a great life and get to know them before deciding to let babies come into their world.

Iā€™m not even going to say anything about breeding kittens when there are so many abandoned ones in shelters. 120 of them didnā€™t get adopted because you supplied a kitten to potential families.
But seriously, new member to new member: please listen to the other members. They want whatā€™s best for your birds too.

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