Is my parrot molting or being plucked?


New member
May 19, 2014
My green cheek conure is starting to bald on his head. I don't know if he is being plucked or not. It's been like this for about 3-4 weeks, but I never really thought into it until now, because I thought it was just molting. On closer inspection it seems as though the feathers he has there are thinning. I don't see any feathers growing back in there and I know that they have little shafts when they grow back in. I am not sure if my other conure is plucking him or not, because they've been together for a year and he has only balded as of recent.

Also, I've noticed that sometimes his feathers on his lower head feel hard and rough. Should I separate my parrots for now? Also, if he was being plucked, will they grow back?

I'll try to upload pics if I can.
My parrot is balding in some spots on his head too. He doesn't pluck and my breeder and vet said its okay. He is going through a very rough molt.
If you pet your parrot and the feathers feel hard and rough, it could be pin feathers that are growing in or have not been completely removed. When Avery molts, I don't often notice that her head goes sparse looking, even after she's had a heavy molt, but every bird is different.

Generally when I see a bird when a bald spot on the back of his head it's because he's been bullied by another bird. I would monitor their interactions and see if it is indeed your other bird plucking him or of it's just a heavy molt. Either way, so long as the feathers are not continuously plucked, they will grow back just fine.
Pictures would help.... although it sounds like one bird is over-preening the other bird.

If you separate them and the feather follicles haven't been damaged, then the feathers should grow back just fine.

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