Is my IRN getting it's ring?


New member
Jul 21, 2017
Indian Ringneck
I noticed recently that my 11 month old IRN has a mark around
it's neck, it doesn't look like it's a different colour and actually
looks more like an indentation circling his neck.

Do you think my IRN could be a male and getting it's ring? Or is
it too early?
Pics would be helpful but that just sounds like a shadow ring which hens and babies get. A male ring will come in bold black individual feathers.

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Pics would be helpful but that just sounds like a shadow ring which hens and babies get. A male ring will come in bold black individual feathers.

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I looked again today and there appears to be a darker shade of green on
the ring and some very faint black markings.

I've got nothing to take a picture with at the moment unfortunately.
It sounds like a shadow ring and males and females get them. Shadow rings can be anything from a dark green (assuming your IRN is green) just at the tips to a very very dark grey.

The real ring will be 100% jet black and will be whole feathers, they can often start around the beak. Because shadow rings can be almost as dark as this the real proof is pink feathers on the back of the neck.

11 months would be a bit early, but not impossible by any means.
I understand it can take three years for the black ring to appear (if male). I'm getting mine DNA tested because I don't think I can wait that long. We keep going back and forth calling him her and her him. LOL!

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