is my bird sick - kiwi bird

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no chance
look here

indian ringneck + koockatle live togther
should i buy them ?

how is this irn ? he is tame and friendly with all even children

but look wing feather black ? is it normal
Before looking to get a new IRN, did you get a bigger cage and fix the area where your last one escaped?
yes , also this irn come with his bigger cage than mine
btw that irn 9 month ago
How big is the cage he comes in? SO many people put their birds in cages too small, you want a cage as big as you can afford (with appropriate bar spacing) so you might be wasting money if the cage he comes with is a little too small and you have to buy a new cage. If you let us know the dimensions and I'm sure some of the fab IRN owners around here will be happy to tell you how happy he'll be in a cage of that size--that way no money is accidentally wasted! :):):)
I did not see your latest post before I replied to you the first time. Sorry you are having such problems with Kiwi. But I am sure she is going to be ok. I would suggest that by all means have her wings clipped at this stage of her adjustment. I left Blue flighted at first but had to clip his wings because when he could fly he just became very independent and would just play little tricks and games with me by flying away from me. With the wings clipped Kiwi will become much more dependent on you for various things and she will that much sooner become more bonded with you. So go ahead and have her clipped. And she will be a lot safer that way too. Also do lots of research on here and on the net in general and learn all you can about parrots in general, especially IRN'S. Good luck.:blue1:

I did not see your latest post before I replied to you the first time. Sorry you are having such problems with Kiwi. But I am sure she is going to be ok. I would suggest that by all means have her wings clipped at this stage of her adjustment. I left Blue flighted at first but had to clip his wings because when he could fly he just became very independent and would just play little tricks and games with me by flying away from me. With the wings clipped Kiwi will become much more dependent on you for various things and she will that much sooner become more bonded with you. So go ahead and have her clipped. And she will be a lot safer that way too. Also do lots of research on here and on the net in general and learn all you can about parrots in general, especially IRN'S. Good luck.:blue1:


Roary, Jado LOST his IRN. He's gone! He escaped.
I have read the whole story from beginning to end and I feel SICK................
sick ? why ? did i do something wrong ? btw kotchi is here now 9 month a very tame bird with all humans + children .
but when his old owner leave he sign some fear , so i put him in a cage and cover it
First off I want to say this is one of the most civilized messages boards I've ever been on. Normally by now people would be insulting the OP.

Second, I read all of the posts on Kiwi starting with the "weird Kiwi IRN" and less then halfway through I had a bad feeling I was going to read something bad happened to Kiwi. This will sound harsh but if offered me $100,000 US Dollars I wouldn't sell you a parrot. Not because I think you're a bad person, I'm sure you mean well. But from reading your posts you almost come across as a child with no experience. You did everything backwards. You went and bought a bird, it seems without doing any research, then tried to find a suitable cage and learn as you go. You never even gave Kiwi a chance to settle into your home. It seemed as if you expected Kiwi to change overnight.

I had always wanted a parrot from a young age. When I knew as an adult I was planning on bringing one into my life, I read day and night for weeks on anything I could get my hands on. I bought the cage first, made sure I had everything setup proper with multiple types of food. Raising a parrot properly is a little bit like raising a child. It's takes a lot more work then most people think.

If you truly love parrots please please please do not think of getting another one until you have spent a lot more time researching. Ending this post I would just like to remind you parrots and all animals really are just like people. They all have different personalities. Some parrots will cuddle up with their new human family the 1stnight they are brought home. Some might take months. Some might not want human affection ever. Most parrot breeders will let you interact with a baby you are planning to take home before you buy it. So I hope you find the right bird for you when you are ready to try this again.

Thank you for reading.
It sounds like the OP has a new bird already.

Please research how to help your new friend feel at home and how to bird proof your home to be safe!
First off I want to say this is one of the most civilized messages boards I've ever been on. Normally by now people would be insulting the OP.

Second, I read all of the posts on Kiwi starting with the "weird Kiwi IRN" and less then halfway through I had a bad feeling I was going to read something bad happened to Kiwi. This will sound harsh but if offered me $100,000 US Dollars I wouldn't sell you a parrot. Not because I think you're a bad person, I'm sure you mean well. But from reading your posts you almost come across as a child with no experience. You did everything backwards. You went and bought a bird, it seems without doing any research, then tried to find a suitable cage and learn as you go. You never even gave Kiwi a chance to settle into your home. It seemed as if you expected Kiwi to change overnight.

I would like to commend the OP for at least seeking out this forum in an attempt to learn more about birds. The situation you just described probably makes up for about 75% of all bird purchases, and most of them never even bother to try and fix things. They let the bird live in a tiny cage because they honestly think it's a good size, they feed them nothing but seeds, they try and socialize them like you would a puppy, then when the bird acts out they end up on Craigslist. I think that is the primary reason people on this forum are so amazing and kind to all posters and try not to judge. Being here at ALL proves that you are more dedicated to giving your new bird a happy life than most people. Those who research for months and months and agonize over what bird to buy then finally make the big decision to contact a breeder and wait for their baby 3-6 months are not the norm. Most birds are bought on a whim (pet store purchases), or something close to a whim ("I've always wanted a bird so let me call some pet stores and find one"), so there is really no point in being judgmental toward people who act in such a way--from all they know there is nothing wrong with getting a bird on a whim. The pet store image DOES make them out to be as easy to care for as a goldfish or a hamster, so people's ignorance is less their fault and more the pet store's. I believe that it is better just to give them the best advice we can and accept that anyone who comes here cares at least a little more about their birds than the average shopper.

Whether you would sell the OP another parrot doesn't matter, because someone will be happy to sell them one (and I believe already has), so the kindest thing to do for both person and bird, IMHO, is to support them in their journey. Not trying to be confrontational any more than you were trying to be harsh (I know that your words are well meaning and that you are a good person looking to help) but considering that it seems as if the OP already has a new fid, I think offering our help to the OP will, in the end, have much better results than chastising them for things that are already over and done with.
I would like to commend the OP for at least seeking out this forum in an attempt to learn more about birds. .......

Whether you would sell the OP another parrot doesn't matter, because someone will be happy to sell them one (and I believe already has), so the kindest thing to do for both person and bird, IMHO, is to support them in their journey. Not trying to be confrontational any more than you were trying to be harsh (I know that your words are well meaning and that you are a good person looking to help) but considering that it seems as if the OP already has a new fid, I think offering our help to the OP will, in the end, have much better results than chastising them for things that are already over and done with.

Thank you for that. Very well put! :)

There's an old German saying "Andere Laender - andere Sitten", the best way I can translate it is "Different folks - different strokes". The OP is not from a country where he has the variety and large selection of bird accessories (including cages) that many other countries have.

He's come here to learn, and we should - in all good conscience - try and assist him and his (new) bird the best we can without putting a sour taste and/or guilt trip on him.

Being kind and civil goes a long way. :)
Pardon me. I somehow foolishly missed the post where Jado said he adopted a new friend already. I would have chose a different way to say things had I saw that before replying. I didn't want to be needlessly harsh but I look at pets like having children. So I get just as upset as if I heard someone adopted a child and had similar issues. I know I'm in a small minority in that sense, but I felt like I had to say few tough things. I don't sell parrots, I just was hoping a few harsh sentences could let him know how precious each life is, in my opinion. And you can't put a price on it. I'm far from perfect myself. Sometimes harsh words or tough love can be helpful. I know I have appreciated it with certain things in my life. I might have been upset when they were saying them to me. But I appreciated it after.

Also I wanted to say I wasn't trying to say people here should have been insulting the man. I was trying to say how positive this forum is compared to most anywhere on the Internet. I think it's great. This is the most polite and helpful forum I've come across. Normally you find multiple trolls on most all comment sections you come across. I probably would have been called a "BLEEP" or a "BLEEP for my comment in 99% of forums.

JerseyWendy, I may have come across unkind, but I feel like I was completely civil. I think the cage Jado made was nice and suitable for Kiwi. I'm pretty sure Jado is from the Middle East, which is where my family is from, Iran to be exact. And a lot of countries out there, especially India, have more progressive animal laws then the U.S. So there is a lot more knowledge in a lot of these countries then most Westerners think. Which I'm not accusing you of thinking JerseyWendy, because your comment was in regards to accessories and cages

All in all Jado I just want to give an apology to you if I was coming off as chastising you. I was trying to hammer home how much I value each animals life. I'm positive you have a love similar to mine for animals or you wouldn't be here seeking help. I'm wishing you and Kotchi all the best. Also you never know you still might find Kiwi. My Timneh Greycie flew past me out a door right as I was opening it during a very windy day back in April of 2013. The wind carried her so far so high I thought I would never find her. I was searching everywhere all day all night. I was 28 at the time and I was a crying and blubbering like a baby. A week later, by the grace of God, someone found her about 6-8 miles from home and posted it on Craiglist. Getting her back was a true blessing. I wouldn't trade her for a million dollars. Some people might not believe me when I say that, but you can't put a price on love like that.
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This thread has now run its course.

Jado, if you're still reading (and I certainly hope you are), please feel free to make a new thread any time you want, ok? :)
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