Is it time to say goodbye?

I had a cat with a chronic/progressive illness. It was very difficult to know when "it was time", but I was helped greatly by the vet. When I'd taken him up because he "wasn't well" she said to me "if this was my cat, I'd euthanize him". I relied on her medical experience and knowledge of animals to have a better idea than I did as to when his quality of life had reached "that point". I had my cat's doctor to assist in the assessment of when it was time.
So very sorry about this harrowing news.
I've been though this lately. . . . It's hard to talk about. Making the decision will come when it's time. You will forever be 2nd guessing your actions. The last time was the "shot" in the back of the head, never again. I don't think it hurts so much as it is evasive. I know that with the gas and surgery , when they wake up they don't know what has happened and they aren't stressed. That's the path i will use next time. Sorry to hear that you're in this position but know you're not alone. Trust me, i feel your pain.
I'm so sorry Kitty......I'm in full tears after reading your story and other's stories.....I've lost animals before but never had to put one down yet and watch them deteriorate while still with a light in their eyes. I wish you the best and your baby. May your baby go in peace... :(
Hi everyone

Thank you all so much for your support. Hardimos has good days and bad days, thankfully today was a good day.
Hardimos is a rescue so I can't be certain of his age but I've had him for about twelve years so he's definitely an old man. He's my best friend, life won't be the same without him.
Oh my goshhhhhh! :( :( :( :( I am so so soooooooo sorry this is happening! Our thoughts and prayers go out to you!
I am glad he had a good day today. Sending love your way.
Hi everyone. I just thought I'd update you all.

Hardimos is coping well with his illness and we've purchased him a new cage that is more suited to his special needs. He's slowly learning what his limits are and no longer attempts to do things he's unable to do, as a result he's falling over a lot less! He looks a little tatty but he's still my beautiful, happy boy inside and still enjoys his food, watching TV and having some fuss.

I have a very strong bond with Hardimos and I trust him to let me know when he needs to say goodbye, until then I will be with him every step of the way.
I am so glad to hear that Hardimos is adapting well, and is still his wonderful self:) These days must be so precious to you both.
I'm glad to hear he's still kicking as he's not ready to leave you yet!!!! ;)
Wonderful :) I just now saw and read this thread, and it's nice to see your update. I'm glad it worked out this way. Best wishes to you and Hardimos for a happy extended life of love.

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