Is it possible to target train a Bourke's Parakeet?

Awww, he is beautiful!
Good idea to put the towel on the bottom of the cage so he has a soft landing when he falls.
Love the name Icarus, did you decide yet if that is what you are naming him?
My mom likes the name Lark, like meadow lark because of the way he sings ^^ and I also like that name. But we want to make sure he stays the beautiful sing-song birdie he is now ^^. He absolutely loves his bell. Surprisingly he prefers his regular food to millet. I am going to try some fresh veggies today. After a couple days I am going to try sprouting some seeds. Canary seeds sprout right?
Very pretty bird. Congratulations! My cockatiel had a terrible clip when she was a baby, it took months for it to grow out completely. She was very clumsy and had a lot of trouble navigating for a while. Various types of perches and ladders helped her a lot. It will probably take her some time to get comfortable and learn to use her new equipment. Good luck and have fun with your new friend.
Just took him out of his cage for the first time for like two minutes. Don't want to push it, he sat on my shoulder and chortled. He seems quite happy.

He seems to be figured things out slowly Allee, though I did move his water up higher because I was worried he wasn't getting enough. He drank soooo much after that.

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