Is is possible to love your bird too much?


New member
Dec 4, 2014
Washington D.C. Metro Area
African Grey
I'm a middle-aged male; now married with two kids, and I have a good home and remain very active. I've owned birds and various other animals for most of my life, and grew up on a farm. Still, I often was not a responsible pet owner in the past. I had a previous CAG that I shamefully admit that I often ignored and neglected. I ended up giving her up for adoption. That was years ago...

I got my current CAG about 3 years ago. I was single at the time and I was bummed because of recently failed relationship so I thought a new companion would pick me up. She wasn't even finished with weening when I picked her out. Actually, she picked me out: The pet store had about 5 greys and they brought them all out and placed them on a perch in front of me so that I could choose. When I put my hand up, a couple of the babies lunged at me and wanted to take my finger off, and a couple of them were indifferent to me. But when I put my hand in front of her, she immediately stepped up.

Over the next few weeks, she stayed at the store while fully weening. I made twice-weekly 150-mile trips in order to bond with her during that time. She remained in a large cage with the other greys while there. I noticed that the other new companion parrot 'owners' would need to read the pet store foot tags to find which CAG was theirs (greys are awesome birds but it's often hard to tell them apart). However, I never had to guess which of those greys was mine. Whenever I would open the cage, she would always come out on her own to get to me. She enjoyed my visits as much as I did.

When I finally got her home, I put her into a really large cage filled with awesome toys. Then I found her on the floor of her cage the next day pushing an acorn around. I jokingly asked her "What are you doing? Playing?" And without hesitation, she picked the acorn up, carried it toward me and stood at the cage bars. When I put out my hand, she dropped the acorn into my palm, through the bars. She stared up at me for a second or two as if to say "That's for you, and I love you."

Now, I'm a retired military veteran and I've jumped from planes, shot and blown things up, and broken almost as many bones as I own doing careless things like racing motorcycles and climbing mountains. but I must admit that event made me misty-eyed. That acorn was the most beautiful gift I'd ever received. I still have it.

That was the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

That was over three years ago. Today, she is still the most awesome of companions. I buy her far too many toys and love hanging out with her. She says funny things like "Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas" and "Get Bent," she raps to Eminem songs and even tells me when she's about to drop a duty by screaming "Bombs away!" prior to doing it. She's a real ham. and she's the love of my life. I'm only half-joking too...

Don't get me wrong, I love my family and friends, but on the basis of pure enjoyment, my CAG wins hands down. She has no agenda other than enjoying time with me. She doesn't want me to drive her to the mall, help her to move to a new house or lend her $50. She just wants to spend time with me and that's it.

Honestly, how many people do most people have in their lives that truly just want to be with us like that? We're lucky if we have even one.

Sure, real human relationships are never easy but it's that uncomplicated relationship that I most desire at this point in my life. Maybe I'm jaded, or mellowing with age, or maybe I'm just less frenetic in my pace these days and notice things that blurred by me in the past. Whatever the case, my bird makes me very happy, but is it even healthy (for her or for me) to be really attached to her? As bird lovers, I'm sure you can relate to a degree. Maybe you can or maybe you can't. Anyway, do any of you have similar feelings for your companion birds?

Sorry for the long diatribe. - In a writing mood today. :)
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I love your story and I hope that some day I have a story to tell. Right now...I just listen to other people on the forums tell their stories. Thank you for sharing.
My parrot isn't a CAG, though I did have an older one years ago. Now I have an Orange Wing Amazon. I've only had her 3 months, but the bond between us is wonderful! I'd rather hang with her than anyone else (and I do every day almost all day since I work from home) I completely understand how you feel about your CAG and I'm sure there are a lot of us on this forum who do! :D
Thank you so much for sharing your story:) I don't think it is possible to love them too much...I think the greatest thing on earth is loving with all our hearts - I think only then are we truly alive. Your CAG is a lucky girl:)
I don't know... depends on the circumstances I guess.

To non-bird people, "It's just a bird!" It's different when it's YOUR bird...

Bonded works both ways.

If you have gotten to the point where the only relationship you have is with your bird, then it would seem to be a problem...

Then again, if it's a situation where people "just don't get it." Screw them! Do what makes YOU happy.

I've gotten "the ultimatum" myself in a couple of past relationships.

"Choose between the bird or me, get rid of them or I'm gone..."

Kinda sucks to be put in that position, but the way I see it, someone who actually loves me, would also understand how much they mean to me, and wouldn't make those kinds of ultimatums...

There is no easy answer to that question.

My answer is I love them, and they make me happy. Therefore, they are staying. Beyond that, I don't feel the need to justify that to anyone.
Nero, i loved your story, and can relate. I really just want to be home, hanging out with my birds. When we go on vacation, I miss them terribly and can't wait to get home. So what about your wife and 2 kids, how do they get along with your CAG, and is your CAG jealous of them?
What a wonderful story! Sounds like you both lucked out when you found each other:D

And no, I don't think you can love your bird "too much". Look at how much love these animals have for us! It's out "duty" to spoil them and spend out time with them and make sure they have happy lives:) My husband is not a pet person and would probably never have pets if it weren't for me. He did cave on me getting a parrot so long as it was 'my bird'. Well, Kiwi had other plans and now my husband is just as attached to him as I am. And I totally get about them having no agenda but to spend time with you. It doesn't matter what I'm doing, Kiwi wants to be right there with me. Parrots are special creatures, they really are.
When I think about how deeply I love Robin and the amazing bond and mutual 'understanding' we have beyond words, it is almost scary to think HOW much I love him.

I've had/have other parrots over the past 20 years, and although I love/have loved all of them, no one has ever come close to the soulmate-ness of Robin.

Amazing story about your Grey. Thanks for sharing.
Many thanks for the terrific post, Nero! I too am an early middle-age man and can deeply relate with your sentiments of parrot relationship.

Middle age is a time of reflection; we no longer have fully one half of our lives remaining and I believe it is a conscious manifestation of mortality. It is also a time of assessment and refinement of what is meaningful and precious. You seem to have done so in an insightful and healthy fashion.

As our lives continue, each decade will present challenges, but having the unconditional relationship with a pet will prove immensely therapeutic and reap mutual benefits! My closest and favorite is Gabby, a Goffin born into my home 19 years ago. I dearly love all my parrots and am close with most, but Gabby is special.

The ultimate testament: A close family friend passed away about a year ago. His special bond was with a rescue dog; pregnant, beaten, discarded, but ultimately rehabilitated. They were inseparable and it pained him when she preceded him in death by a few years. They were recently reunited as their cremated remains were mixed and scattered over the Pacific Ocean......
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I've gotten "the ultimatum" myself in a couple of past relationships.

"Choose between the bird or me, get rid of them or I'm gone..."

Kinda sucks to be put in that position, but the way I see it, someone who actually loves me, would also understand how much they mean to me, and wouldn't make those kinds of ultimatums...

There is no easy answer to that question.

My answer is I love them, and they make me happy. Therefore, they are staying. Beyond that, I don't feel the need to justify that to anyone.

Holy heck, someone actually did that to you??? That's terrible! I can't imagine why anyone would act that way unless it was pure jealousy. And if you can be jealous of a bird you must be very insecure indeed :(
Holy heck, someone actually did that to you??? That's terrible! I can't imagine why anyone would act that way unless it was pure jealousy. And if you can be jealous of a bird you must be very insecure indeed :(

That has happened MORE THAN ONCE... in fact, it's probably happened half a dozen times.

Sometimes there is no ultimatum... just the "You're a nice guy BUT..." speech.

In some cases it was jealousy & insecurity. Certainly the last time it happened it was.

In other cases, it had more to do with the inconvenience factor. (Even though I was the one who was feeding, cleaning, handling, etc.) My "significant other" at the time thought it took too much time away from other things we could be doing so... get rid of them or good-bye!

Who do you love more, them or me?! Then prove it!

I've actually had worse...

When I was in my mid 30's and recently divorced, someone I was just starting to get to know (we'd only been out on like - 2 dates) "suggested" ever so kindly, that it might be a good idea to just drop my custody case, and give up custody of my daughter to my ex-wife. Her exact words, which I will never forget: "She wanted kids, but did not want to GET STUCK WITH raising another woman's child!"

Talk about triggering that red hot Pappa Bear... in me! (How about I just leave my daughter in the dumpster! It's closer than my ex-wife's place... )

Needless to say, date and everything else ended right there on the spot. (I wasn't sure weather to finish my drink first or just throw it in her face and walk out... I finished it. But I had to think about that one. )

I went through a lot of ugliness that way... until I found Rachel, who actually had way more birds (and assorted other critters) than I did.

We spend so much time looking for the right person... but nothing prepares you for finally finding it, and then just as suddenly losing it.

So, yeah, it's rough out there...
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I've actually had worse...

When I was in my mid 30's and recently divorced, someone I was just starting to get to know (we'd only been out on like - 2 dates) "suggested" ever so kindly, that it might be a good idea to just drop my custody case, and give up custody of my daughter to my ex-wife. Her exact words, which I will never forget: "She wanted kids, but did not want to GET STUCK WITH raising another woman's child!"

Bless you for being the type of man who fights for those he loves-there are so many out there who don't care enough once they find another woman who will gladly do without the hassle of another woman's kids (or pets) in their life. I can't even imagine thinking something so heinous, let alone speaking it to someone I barely know. Wow, just wow. You were well rid of that one. Nothing to be gained by being with someone like that...too heartless.
I feel the same about my lucy. She would kill for me for no other reason than she loves me. I have never met a human who was that devoted to me. Truthfully i love her more than most humans! I think it's awesome .
Bless you for being the type of man who fights for those he loves-there are so many out there who don't care enough once they find another woman who will gladly do without the hassle of another woman's kids (or pets) in their life. I can't even imagine thinking something so heinous, let alone speaking it to someone I barely know. Wow, just wow. You were well rid of that one. Nothing to be gained by being with someone like that...too heartless.

There are plenty of men out there (probably most) who still, actually love their kids, and would fight, kill and die for them... you just don't hear about them as much. INSERT THE LATEST "SHOCKING HEADLINE NEWS TODAY" ABOUT A FATHER WHO COMMITTED [INSERT HORRENDOUS ACT HERE]...

Yeah, well, that was kind of my reaction at the time...

WOW! Not spending another second longer than I have to with you. Now, do I finish this glass of wine, or will I get out of here sooner by throwing it in her face...

It was a decent Chardonnay, so I drank it. THEN left...
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As usual - you give me a laugh! Sorry you had to go through it but better to know that early in the relationship.
I feel the same about my lucy. She would kill for me for no other reason than she loves me. I have never met a human who was that devoted to me. Truthfully i love her more than most humans! I think it's awesome .

There has been more than one occasion when I have said "How is it possible to love a bird this much..."

I've also heard my daughter say it after chasing around the house with Maggie...

Because they are so smart, and so much fun, and so loving in return...

That's how!
as usual - you give me a laugh! Sorry you had to go through it but better to know that early in the relationship.

Or before it ever has a chance to actually start! Thank god we hadn't actually ordered dinner yet, eh?!

That would kinda be like paying for the privilege of being insulted...

Take it in context. Single, self-absorbed 30-Something. Did as she pleased her whole life. Now the biological clock is ticking so it's time to quit fooling around, and settle down and get married... (In your mid 30's, "dates" often feel like job interviews. Now accepting applications for "Mr. Right." Did you bring your list of references? I DO check references you know. And if I catch you lying on your resume, you are automatically disqualified from consideration...") But it's actually still all about ME. MY BIOLOGICAL CLOCK is ticking... I WANT kids of MY own. NOT someone else's... (i.e. yours don't matter) because loving a child that is already here, would suck! "I'm not your mommy kid, now run along and go play. Your father and I have business to attend to..."

"No we don't!"
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Nero, thank you for this beautiful thread and for sharing your story. Obviously you spoke directly to the hearts of a lot of our members, including me. Animals give us so much, but one truly incredible gift is what they teach us about ourselves and about life. My answer is, No, you can never love an animal too much. They, on the other hand, can love us enough to break our hearts.

Scott, you also have an incredible way with words, thank you for sharing. I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. Such a beautiful tribute to scatter their ashes together over the ocean.
Middle age is a time of reflection;

That reflection can be summed up in two words: "WHAT HAPPENED?!" :eek:


I lost Rachel five years ago. I lost my dad and my aunt this year. No telling how much longer my Mom will be with us. My daughter is about to go away to college...

Stuff that used to be easy, suddenly becomes hard. And it physically hurts when you're done. Especially to someone who has always been active all their lives, you reach a point where you can only do THIS MUCH and there is suddenly a brick wall that you just face planted into...

You hear about coping with loss, and you THINK you understand the concept.

Then suddenly it's no longer a concept. And you begin to understand.

That big red bird sitting on your lap, and laying her head down sideways on your shoulder makes it all better...

And eventually, probably soon enough, there will be grandkids. You don't really want to anymore, but it's fun to watch them and remember... and that helps. (assuming you remember anything at that point - I have had 9 concussions... can senility really be that far off?!)

(I'm writing this on my 53rd birthday... assuming I'm not going to be living to 106, I'm past the middle, picking up speed [at the same time it feels like I'm running out of speed] headed for that downhill run... )

:pThe standard joke at my place is I'm teaching my CAG to say a few words at my funeral. "He was a good boy..." :p
:gift::gift::gift:Happy Birthday Mark!!:gift::gift::gift:

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