Are Tarantula Bites Dangerous? "Sometime Yes", According to New Study


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Jan 28, 2012
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Hi, Frank Indiviglio here. Iā€™m a herpetologist, zoologist and book author, recently retired from a career spent at several zoos, aquarium, and museums, including over 20 years with the Bronx Zoo.
Iā€™ve worked with thousands of tarantulas, in zoos and my own collection, for over 50 years. In all that time, Iā€™ve never been bittenā€¦mainly because I do not handle them! Tarantulas certainly adjust to captivity, but they can in no way be ā€œtamedā€ or ā€œtrusted not to biteā€ā€¦videos and statements to the contrary should be ignored. Cases involving muscle spasms, chest pain and other severe reactions requiring hospitalizations were reviewed in a recent study ā€“ I am aware of similar cases involving colleagues working in the field. The urticating hairs of New World tarantulas are also a consideration; some years ago, a co-worker of mine required corneal surgery to remove those shed by a Red-Kneed Tarantula. Read the rest of this article here Are Tarantula Bites Dangeous? Sometimes Yes | That Reptile Blog
Please also check out my posts on Twitter and Facebook

My Bio, with photos of animals Iā€™ve been lucky enough to work with: That Pet Place welcomes Zoologist/Herpetologist Frank Indiviglio to That Reptile Blog | That Reptile Blog

Best Regards, Frank Indiviglio
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Do they have nasty long term effects? So far, no one has every died from a tarantula bite, have they???
Great info, Frank. Thank you!! :)

I'd like to say that the bite of an Old Word Tarantula, particularly from a Poki (Poecilotheria = Indian Ornamental) is no laughing matter and could potentially land you in the hospital. If I'm not mistaken their venom may cause a coma. :eek:

Maria, I know you directed your question to Frank, but to my knowledge nobody has ever died due to a tarantula bite. :)

I wouldn't even have to be bit by one to die! I'd keel over just at the sight!
Hi All,

Sorry for the delay and thx for your interest.

No fatalities documented in the major journals, according to an arachnologist friend. However, the vast majority of bites are in remote regions, and not eported. Where children , elderly or immune compromised/allergic people are concerned, the possibility exists. As for long term effects, we have much to learn. The tropical medecine docs who worked with us through the Bx Zoo report many bizarre reactions to spider bites, including to native US species. Most not understoof. Brown recluse venom, however, typically, produces recurring ulcers and other long term effects. To get a handle on possible scope of unreported untreated bites, please see this on venomous snakebites worldwide: Venomous Snakebite - a New Study, and my own Experiences
I know people can get bitten, even die hard tarantula collectors and breeders. The bite is exceedingly painful from what I hear, as they have huge fangs. I was watching a youtube video on tarantulas with a breeder, expert, in the field, and he had a nasty bite on his hand that was identifiable by two dots (puncture wounds). He was very attached to all of them though, and even cried at the loss of his Goliath.
Though I don't know that I'd ever own one, tarantulas are awesome! I would imagine that a bite from something that size would hurt like no other though.

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