IRN Sounds


New member
Mar 23, 2013
Auckland, New Zealand
Hi guys, I'm doing some research on getting a ringneck and was wondering if anyone had any recordings/videos of them at their 'worst' sounding? Such as all out screeching and squawking? I'm just hoping to know the full range of sounds they can make so I can make an informed decision about bringing one home :)
My mother in law has 3 but I don't have a video right now. Nex t time I go over there ill get one. Her blue one and her white one don't make hardly any noise and when they do its not loud at all. Her yellow one on the other hand makes the cute noises....not very good impersonation but it sounds like da da da dada, but he follows it up with a little scream sometimes. The sound isn't too awful loud but then again I own two amazons and they can be very loud. I love Indian ringnecks and plan on getting one in the future. Just curious how much do they cost where your from? They run anywhere from 150 to 200 bucks here
Here are a few video links.....

[ame=]Indian Ringneck Screaming - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Jealous ringneck! Warning: Loud scream! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Ringneck parrot making His Loud Call - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Baby Indian Ringnecks SCREAMING - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Indian RingNeck Screams - YouTube[/ame]
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Thanks for those links, weco! :D

Just curious how much do they cost where your from? They run anywhere from 150 to 200 bucks here

They've got a pretty big price range here, the prices I've seen are from $60 (aviary birds, completely unhandled) to around $220 for a handraised one. All prices in New Zealand dollars :)
Wow...nice, here in the Maryland and Virginia area, a blue IRN is $400. Anyway...the IRNs I have been exposed to sound like the one in the first video the most. I dont have one yet...just a deposit down.

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