Introduction with a question


New member
May 30, 2012
1 8 or 9 year old cockatiel
I just joined this forum because I liked what I saw in the Q/A section.

Bird people being genuinely concerned for others.

I love my little Ollie. And he loves me. He is a cuddler and likes to eat with us and share OUR food. He is a member of this family. His specialty is jasmine rice and green beans. Wow can those pieces fly far off his beak.
He is a rescued bird and is missing a toe on each foot-but that does not hinder his walking/grasping abilities. He prefers to walk on the floor like a dog and loves to chase my husband's size 10 sneakers away from me.

Ollie is my 2nd cockatiel, my first died after 16 years with us. Very sad.. one day he was happy and singing the next... in the corner at the bottom of the cage. I went to the EV but they could not help. I cried for days.

A reason for my outreach is that for the last 2 days Ollie is not acting like himself; he seems lethargic. No food changes nothing different. He usually watches TV with me and begs for me to rub his head--not these last 2 days... he is eating a varied diet and drinking water. Ocassionally during the day he does seem to be his old self, but it does not last long.
I was hoping someone may have some suggestions. Thank you fellow bird lovers.
If he is acting lethargic then you should take him to the AVIAN vet imidiatley, birds go down hill fast.
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Thank you cdog..I know that all too well.
Tomorrow I will do that. Since I wrote.. he has moved from the cage to the back of my chair...he's like a kid and knows something is up.
Thanks again

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