Introducing The New Adventures Of Princess Peach!! 💝

What a gorgeous gal!!

Firstly, I envy your ability to know immediately that you want to bring that bird home! And secondly - are princess parrots related at all to red rumps? Because when the little red rump we visited sounded off, it was like a smoke alarm. It wasn’t loud per say, but boy was it piercing!
What a gorgeous gal!!

Firstly, I envy your ability to know immediately that you want to bring that bird home! And secondly - are princess parrots related at all to red rumps? Because when the little red rump we visited sounded off, it was like a smoke alarm. It wasn’t loud per say, but boy was it piercing!
@ravvlet, to be honest I'm not sure how closely related they are, someone super-smart on taxonomy like @Rozalka might have a better idea about that. But they do seems to share a lot of similarities in terms of the behaviours and the types of landscapes that they have adapted to live in, so there may very well be a lot of correlation there. Peach seems to have two volumes with her contact call, the average one that just lets you know she's around and the super-loud one when she's really agitated by something. And the funny thing is when you mention that red rump sounding like a smoke alarm, my vet actually said exactly the same thing about princess parrots!

Oh, and the obligatory birb tax, here she is catching a few winter rays this morning, ain’t she just peachy? (See what I did there?😆 )
Gosh she’s gorgeous! And I didn’t know about the feather implant thing either; I wish our vet offered it! Thankfully Kirby has finally grown out his clipped flights.
Gosh she’s gorgeous! And I didn’t know about the feather implant thing either; I wish our vet offered it! Thankfully Kirby has finally grown out his clipped flights.
Oh it's a fantastic thing to be able to do, and all things considered it's not a hideously expensive procedure either. And the payoff in terms of the bird's well-being is HUGE, so it's well worth it. I'm just very lucky and spoiled that my vet can do stuff like this and he is literally a 2 minute drive from my house! You know, if Peach had had both wings clipped similarly I might not even have had to do it at all, she had clearly fledged before that wing was clipped and it took me completely by surprise at what a strong flyer she was! But strong flyer or not, I couldn't have left her like that, not when I knew I had the means to be able to put it right for her, and ultimately she'll be a much happier little birdie because of it too 💖
What a gorgeous gal!!

Firstly, I envy your ability to know immediately that you want to bring that bird home! And secondly - are princess parrots related at all to red rumps? Because when the little red rump we visited sounded off, it was like a smoke alarm. It wasn’t loud per say, but boy was it piercing!
I'd say they aren't really related from the taxonomy pov - they are in one family but two different subfamilies
I'd say they aren't really related from the taxonomy pov - they are in one family but two different subfamilies
Thank you for helping, Aunty @Rozalka, I knew that you'd know (y)💖
Welcome to the family, Princess Peach! Mart, what a beauty she is, and I'm so thrilled that you listened to your heart in bringing her home, can't ever go wrong with that:)
Awe... Isnt she just perfect
Welcome to the family, Princess Peach! Mart, what a beauty she is, and I'm so thrilled that you listened to your heart in bringing her home, can't ever go wrong with that:)

Thank you both, yeah she is just the most Perfect Princess Peach and I'm so happy that she's here 💖
@DonnaBudgie, here's a video that gives a pretty good overview of the imping process. This is actually my bird vet, Adrian Gallagher, and he made this vid oh quite a few years back now, when they used to do regular segments for a kids TV show called "Totally Wild". As far as cost, it was about $280 to have the one wing done, honestly I don't think it would've been much more if he'd had to do both because the anaesthesia represented the greater proportion of the cost. Which is only fair, cos that's something you REALLY want to get right! And yes, it sure is worth every cent 💖

I watched this video on restoring a bird's fight by implanting full length feathers and was speechless! What an amazing thing to be able to restore a bird's flight! Other than the anesthesia, which always seems scary to me, the procedure looked pretty painless and it was amazing to see that pretty cockatiel fly right away after waking up. I wonder what she was thinking when she flapped and didn't just crash land like usual. Clipping one wing on a bird is an incredibly stupid and cruel way to try to control your bird. If you can't handle having a pet that flies DON'T GET A BIRD!
Ok, so you know how sometimes you walk into a shop meaning to buy one thing, and you come away with something totally different? Well, that happened to me just this last Saturday.

Hubby and i went grocery shopping, but before that we needed to go to the hardware store, which just happens to be right beside a pet store. Lovejoy needed some more lorikeet food, so we popped into the pet store to grab that, and in doing so we saw this ...


... a sweet little princess parrot with, horror of horrors, a single wing clip. I SO wanted to buy her on the spot, but for starters we already have a flock of four, and we'd need to buy her a new cage for which we really have neither the budget nor the floor space in our small house for, plus the extra vet bills and all sorts of other unknowable considerations. I left the pet store in tears, subsequently cried my way around the grocery store, and when I got home I spent the afternoon doing the maths and the geometry in my head, trying to think of ways to make it work, so that maybe I could find a way to be able to bring her home after all. Finally I decided, you know what, there are dozens of reasons why I shouldn't do it, but only one reason why I should, and that reason is pictured below. So may I please introduce you all to the newest and most unexpected member of our family, the very beautiful and completely adorable Princess Peach!!


It's only very early days, but she has slotted in with our existing flock very well, and she is already COMPLETELY besotted with Lovejoy!! She has been to my avian vet for a check up and has so far tested negative to a lot of health conditions that are fairly common in princess parrots here, but I'm still waiting on the results of a test for psittacosis which may take 3 weeks or so to come back. I am accustomed to getting results of that test within 24 hours but apparently the one and only lab in the world that made those tests doesn't make them anymore, and the remaining PCR test takes much longer to get a result. So as my vet is fairly sure she either has something lurking now or has had it in her recent past, for both her and the rest of my flock's safety we have started her on a 6 week course of antibiotic injections to combat anything current or lingering. I have also had her vet perform a feather implant procedure to restore her wing - shockingly enough she was able to fly pretty well even with that awful clip but she would never have been able to keep up with the rest of the flock and may have done herself a terrible injury had she tried to do so. Here's a pic of her having just had her implant done (with a BIG shout out to Dr Adrian and the team at Brisbane Bird Vet, they always do amazing work!) ...


... and another from today, with her wing restored!


Now, as to her name, naturally there's more backstory behind that too. According to the store, they sold her to someone else prior to me, and they were the ones who named her Peach. Apparently however, they returned her to the store because they were unable to "manage" her, I have no idea what they meant by that, perhaps it may have been because she is actually VERY NOISY for such a little bird. It's not constant screaming, but a very loud contact call is a feature of her species, so perhaps that was a factor. I've decided to stick with her name because it actually does suit her, and given her species it's pretty much inevitable that "Princess" would get tagged onto it. I *was* gonna leave out the Super Mario "Toadstool" bit but the more I think about it, that's pretty cute too! She's had a rough start to life, and I can't help but wonder if a certain other "Princess" might just have made me take a detour into that pet shop on Saturday, the whole thing certainly seems to have Lilly's magical little claw prints all over it ✨
Aw she's so cute!
I didn't even know that was possible.
Aw she's so cute!
I didn't even know that was possible.
Princess Peach says to say "thank you!" Her new palatial stainless steel cage should hopefully arrive today so THAT'S gonna be fun and games building from a flat pack and scrubbing it down to get anything off of it from the manufacturing process that still may be lingering. She's just woken up and started squawking, thankfully it's the lower decibel squawk at this time of morning here but it's probably still gonna jolt my hubby out of bed when he's trying to have a cheeky sleep in on his day off. Oh well, too bad so sad, he gave me the green light to go back and buy her so he's got nobody to blame but himself!! 😝
That bird is so the pink,

Also that is a great choice, I've been there; when it's like yep...thats the one.
That bird is so the pink,

Also that is a great choice, I've been there; when it's like yep...thats the one.
Thank you, @clark_conure! I've always had a soft spot for princess parrots, never thought I'd actually have one but this one spoke to my heart and was in a pretty sorry predicament so there was really only ever going to be one outcome 💝 She is settling in VERY well, eats everything I put in front of her and LOVES her vegetables, though she's just this morning started tossing her pellets out of the food dish so it looks like I'll have some extra cleaning up to do - I'm pretty sure she's learned this from Lovejoy. Just what I need, for her to take her behavioural cues from the worst behaved bird in the flock!!
Oh I'd love to see one too! They’d be spectacular looking birds but it does beg the question, what on earth would you feed it???

And I just got a photo of the two lovebirds together. No doubt about it, these two are gonna be TROUBLE!!! 😍😍😍
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So, I am told that you are the local Rooster! Is that so??
What a start!!
So, I am told that you are the local Rooster! Is that so??
What a start!!
Ooooooooohhhh Uncle Boats, that “particular” local red-headed rooster is already more trouble than a barrel of monkeys. He can’t possibly get any worse, can he? CAN HE????? I don't think I wanna knoooooooooooooooowwwwwww!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:
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I am going with the influence and a push from a segment of your heart that has been looking for a special Princess to follow another with a certain grace and one that needed you, dear friend! "Princess Peach" Love it!!

Setting flight feathers back in place has become a Lost Art in the US after they closed the Government Import holding facilities.

A special heartfelt, thank you, dear friend! :love:
I am going with the influence and a push from a segment of your heart that has been looking for a special Princess to follow another with a certain grace and one that needed you, dear friend! "Princess Peach" Love it!!

Setting flight feathers back in place has become a Lost Art in the US after they closed the Government Import holding facilities.

A special heartfelt, thank you, dear friend! :love:
Imping is like hair extensions for birds!

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