Introducing my B&G baby and my self !!!

image.webp looking beautiful as always
image.webp. I am amazed can you see why ? I didn't know I could love a bird this much ! I can't wait to have her home everyday 24/7 ..
Oh my goodness how she's grown....AND she's perching!! :D Waiting is the longest part, I remember that. Just keep in mind you'll have a LIFETIME with your precious baby. :smile015:
Thank you , and yes every time i go see her she is a bit bigger I love her hopefully she be home by Christmas or New Years!!!
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Hello to all , this are my last week pictures, i was having trouble with uploading pictures but I did a lil research and find the way to upload more pictures without deleting the old ones lol , my baby can fly already and is getting super big , she is a sweet heart this las week when I was saying good by and i was putting her back into her cage it broke my heart because she didn't want to get in she climbed so fast back at my right shoulder it was so sad but i had to leave , I love her
Can someone tell me if you can see my last pictures from 10/18 ??? I really don't know if i did it right!! Thanks
Oh my gosh what SUPER precious photos!!!! Yes, they are all coming through, loud and sweeeeet! :D Thank you so much for sharing. How's baby doing? How many feedings a day?

You could upload your pictures to Photobucket and then embed the link. That way you never have to delete any previous photos. :)
Ohh thanks , and yes JerseyWendy thats what I found photobucket :) !!! About her fiddings I don't know I really never ask exactly how much she eating sice I don't know about that the lady tells me she is doing grate ! I'll make sure to ask this weekend and I will post here that way I can have some opinions here , since she moved to a bigger cage a while ago she has some food in her containers i will take pictures next time too , but i never see her eating from there when I go . She seems really well and calm she loves me to pet her and already can fly , thank you for your comments, AND WHAT ELSE SHOULD I ASK ? I really really dont know !

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