Introducing Cricket


New member
Mar 28, 2012
BC, Canada
Tango & Toni - Lovebirds
So on Saturday I picked up my first parrot, a 7 y/o male Senegal. He came from a neglectful/hoarding situation where he was just put in a cage with his food, water and a perch. He was apparently put with a female originally but she was aggressive towards him so he was left on his own.

He's not hand tame, but not wild. Put a peanut on a branch close to where I was sitting near the cage, and he did sneak over and grab it then eat it close to me. He wasn't abused so I'm hopeful it won't take too long to gain his trust. He's gotten more vocal today, and I've been whistling back at him and he seems to like that lol.

So here are some pics of Cricket from today, taken with hubbies nice DSLR!!


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carefull with peanuts in the shell as they can harbour a fungus, on/in the shell part thats bad for our birds lungs

are you planning a new cage for him? as the pics parts look like rust?

sorry for the negatives

but his a cracking looking sene an i love the bright orange to yellow vest and his feather perfect

as for taming, sounds like your going the right way, letting him take his time, he looks really inquisitive so i think it won't be a long process.
keep a watch on his body language alot will be very subtle, but once you have cracked it, its plain sailing. even now i can mis read the nut

keep us up dated an more pics please
He does look very healthy despite the living conditions he was in, so that's half the battle right there:)

Yes, I would suggest a different treat. Any other nut would be healthier than peanuts like almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans and brazilnuts. You will have to take them out of the shells for him though or buy him unshelled ones. Make sure they don't have any added sugar or anything though. And try pieces of nuts so you don't go overboard on the fat while you work on taming him since you may through a lot of them:D

Taking food from your hands is a great sign though. Work at his pace and I bet it won't be that long before you have a wonderful feathered companion. Lots of Sennie owners here to help.

Congrats on your new baby boy!
My first Senegal came out of a situation similar to what you are describing. It was not a hoarding situation but she was beat up on by another bird frequently and mostly sat on a T bar on top of her cage in the corner. The only attention she got was food and water. The poop had built up so much on the bars of the cage that it was in a 6 inch pile high enough to touch her bottom. It took about 6 months until I was even able to touch her. She would squeal and try to fly off whenever I came near. It was a long process but in the end it was extremely rewarding for both of us. She turned into a people loving, shoulder perching snuggle bird.

With love and patience I hope your little guy turns out the same way.
Congrats on your new bird :). Sounds like both of you got lucky in each other. Very pretty bird :)
My first Senegal came out of a situation similar to what you are describing. It was not a hoarding situation but she was beat up on by another bird frequently and mostly sat on a T bar on top of her cage in the corner. The only attention she got was food and water. The poop had built up so much on the bars of the cage that it was in a 6 inch pile high enough to touch her bottom. It took about 6 months until I was even able to touch her. She would squeal and try to fly off whenever I came near. It was a long process but in the end it was extremely rewarding for both of us. She turned into a people loving, shoulder perching snuggle bird.

With love and patience I hope your little guy turns out the same way.

Thank you so much for taking her. I can't even imagine 6" of poop.
Cricket is just beautiful! Congrats!!!
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Yes I am getting a better cage, I've just got to find a store that carries or can order the midwest cages. And good to know about the peanuts, there was one in the little bag of food i got with him.

We spent 45 minutes of him chirping and me whistling back this morning, and he came over to check me out once he realized i was the one making the noise lol. Tried offering him a grape, but he wouldn't take it from my hand, didn't take off till my hand was maybe 6 inches from him though. I left my hand in the cage to get him used to it and he seems less leary now. I can walk over to the cage and sit down at the table and he won't scream and flap his wings anymore :)
I have to say he is in very good condition so I don't think the previous owner completely neglected him. They probably had more then they can chew but never neglect. Which you already know to get him a new cage since that one is rusting out....
Taking in a bird that needs a home is such a wonderful thing! It may take time, but yours will be a very special bond. Congrats!
Congratulation... Definitely looks like a healthy bird...

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