I am new and feeling a bit lost I guess.

Jun 26, 2024
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Hi all,

I have a beautiful male Ecelectus. His name is Kiki or Keeks. He is 4 years old and amazing.
In some weird freak accident he got out of his covered cage and flew into a ceiling fan on high 😓
He is being looked after by our Vet hospital. He has been there 24hrs. It’s been 36hrs since his accident. Keeks has never been hurt before and this is such a horrible thing to happen.
I rang the vet today, he has started to eat a bit on his own. They have been feeding him through a tube also, he is on pain killers and still really sore. We are hoping he is ok to get an X-ray today.

I guess I joined this forum to see if anyone has any good news stories of their eckie recovering? I have scoured the internet. My friends don’t understand because they just think he is a bird (he is not, he is my best little buddy). My children are so upset to really chat about. The house is just so quiet at the moment and I’m just so anxious because he is so hurt and anything could happen. I can only hope for the best and I am feeling deflated.

I didn’t know there were forums.. I guess Kiki and I have been on such an adventure I didn’t really think to come online.

He really is the best. Keeks is always looking for you, loves to snuggle and take naps on your chest. He is also annoying and tries to bite your lips. He just wants to be close you and be in all the adventures. Loves being in the prep for dinner to throw around the peelings or sneak extra bits.

I guess I came here to share my story in a time of need but also read and look at everyone’s else’s echoes to keep my mind occupied.

I have enjoyed looking through the forums and seeing everyone else’s beautiful birds.



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I had a cockatiel about 10 years ago who had a bone infection after an accident (DOn't remember what the accident was :( ) Needed an xray and medications. He recovered and was tamer than he was before his medication spree. I miss the boi.
I’m very sorry to hear about your Ekkie. Any news on how he is doing?

I do have an Ekkie with a broken wing that I adopted. I only know that the previous person that adopted him ran a dog shelter, and one of the dogs got ahold of Nico. They really do adapt, and heal from injuries. Nico has great quality of life, and is so happy. He will never fly again but he still follows me around everywhere. He enjoys his pine nuts, and being outside.
Oh Steph, I’m so sorry to hear about your little buddy. I totally understand needing community. We love our parrots like our own kids. They really are resilient so hang in there and have hope. We will all be eager to hear how he comes through this. if anything, Thank You for sharing and reminding us all to be aware of our fans this summer. Big Hugs from Arizona, ❤️ Lou
Welcome to the Forums! I'm so glad you found us, although I'm so sorry it's under some scary circumstances. You're in the right place with people who truly understand that our birds aren't "just a bird." And ekkies... They're just different, and special, and amazing. ❤️ Mine is also a snuggle bug, always wanting to be right in my face, beak tucked up against my cheek or the corner of my nose.

Your boy sounds a lot like my Tucker in personality. He must have a tremendous amount of fight in him to have even survived a whack from the ceiling fan. That's kind of a miracle in itself. Sending prayers and healing vibes and hugs, and hoping Kiki will be okay 🙏🙏🙏

And thank you for the pictures, he's gorgeous!
Hi all,

Thank you so much for your kind words, it has been a bit hectic. We went to visit Keeks at the vet and we were allowed to bring him home as they said he was probably better at home now. The stress of making sure he actually was ok at home, I could not sleep as I was just so scared.

His Xray came back great… with the injury he sustained we were all so happy there were no breaks or fractures. His X-ray did come back with his liver a bit larger than is should be so keeping an eye on that and making sure his diet is on point. His previous owner said he was mostly on seed and veges.

It has been a week now, he is thriving but we have realised his beak must be damaged as he can’t eat on his own (it just looked like he was) So we have been syringe feeding him and going to take him back to the vet to get his beak checked out and make sure we have been looking after him ok. His right leg is a bit week so keeping that in mind as well.

We haven’t had Keeks long, but I think we will have him a lot longer ♥️ he is a little fighter. I think he is on a road to recovery ❤️‍🩹

Now he is feeling better he is wanting to climb and fly but keeping him in his little cage as I hope that will help him even though he is hating it (I just don’t want him to do anything that could hurt him until I know he is back to eating independently and his grip is better).


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I’m very sorry to hear about your Ekkie. Any news on how he is doing?

I do have an Ekkie with a broken wing that I adopted. I only know that the previous person that adopted him ran a dog shelter, and one of the dogs got ahold of Nico. They really do adapt, and heal from injuries. Nico has great quality of life, and is so happy. He will never fly again but he still follows me around everywhere. He enjoys his pine nuts, and being outside.
They are just great aren’t they! Always wanting to be a part of everything. I’m glad he is doing ok after his injuries 🩷
Welcome to the Forums! I'm so glad you found us, although I'm so sorry it's under some scary circumstances. You're in the right place with people who truly understand that our birds aren't "just a bird." And ekkies... They're just different, and special, and amazing. ❤️ Mine is also a snuggle bug, always wanting to be right in my face, beak tucked up against my cheek or the corner of my nose.

Your boy sounds a lot like my Tucker in personality. He must have a tremendous amount of fight in him to have even survived a whack from the ceiling fan. That's kind of a miracle in itself. Sending prayers and healing vibes and hugs, and hoping Kiki will be okay 🙏🙏🙏

And thank you for the pictures, he's gorgeous!
He is such a fighter. He is so curious and has FOMO all the time (fear of missing out). We now make sure the fans are all off now and have the A/C on… do not want to risk him being hurt again.

I have been learning so much in the forums, I haven’t been an Eckkie owner for long but I plan to be and it’s a great community ♥️
Hi all,

Thank you so much for your kind words, it has been a bit hectic. We went to visit Keeks at the vet and we were allowed to bring him home as they said he was probably better at home now. The stress of making sure he actually was ok at home, I could not sleep as I was just so scared.

His Xray came back great… with the injury he sustained we were all so happy there were no breaks or fractures. His X-ray did come back with his liver a bit larger than is should be so keeping an eye on that and making sure his diet is on point. His previous owner said he was mostly on seed and veges.

It has been a week now, he is thriving but we have realised his beak must be damaged as he can’t eat on his own (it just looked like he was) So we have been syringe feeding him and going to take him back to the vet to get his beak checked out and make sure we have been looking after him ok. His right leg is a bit week so keeping that in mind as well.

We haven’t had Keeks long, but I think we will have him a lot longer ♥️ he is a little fighter. I think he is on a road to recovery ❤️‍🩹

Now he is feeling better he is wanting to climb and fly but keeping him in his little cage as I hope that will help him even though he is hating it (I just don’t want him to do anything that could hurt him until I know he is back to eating independently and his grip is better).
That is wonderful news! Each day will be a little victory to celebrate. I image the hard part now will be holding your trooper back from wanting to forget it ever happened :) Thanks for the update!
That is wonderful news! Each day will be a little victory to celebrate. I image the hard part now will be holding your trooper back from wanting to forget it ever happened :) Thanks for the update!
Yep! It is hard keeping him in a small space but it hasn’t been a week and I don’t want him getting hurt. He is glaring at me from his smaller keep to let him out, as soon as I do he tries to lift off 🤦🏻‍♀️🙈. Sorry little mate, not just yet.
That is wonderful news! Each day will be a little victory to celebrate. I image the hard part now will be holding your trooper back from wanting to forget it ever happened :) Thanks for the update!
Oops, meant to say “ imagine” not image 😄
It is great to learn that Kiki is recovering nicely.

Now for the scold-y part. You as the parront of this little life need to realize and neutralize threats to your parrot BEFORE they become accidents. Doubly important in a flighted parrot. Things like ceiling fans, mirrors, windows and walls are just some of the more obvious ones. I would highly suggest you read, with deep understanding, the thread " I Love Amazons" over on the Amazon subforum. It contains tons of superb information that is applicable to ALL parrots, not just 'zons. Including warnings and remedies for many of the household dangers to parrots.

I Love Amazons
Welcome to the forum and being an Ekkkie mom. I’m so sorry to hear of the accident your boy had and the worry you have been through. I really hope he is still improving now he is back with you. My boy has injured his leg a couple of times by just playing too rough. And falling off swings, one time I saw his toe sticking out 90 degrees sideways, he’s flown in a panic into a glass door. He is very resilient and keeps on playing even through the limping & with no weight on it. It’s so lovely to hear there are snuggly Ekkies, but I don’t have one of those! Mines quite single minded & bossy. There are so many things in the home that are a danger to parrots, , from air fresheners, cooking equipment to electrics yes please read the “ I love amazons” .
Keeks is on the mend. He is eating better and no longer being hand fed. He is still recovering from his head trauma and this may take a while. He is gaining strength everyday but doing little things each day to not over do it. He has a scar now from where he was clipped by the fan and the vet trimmed his wings. We have taken the knobs off the fans… we definitely don’t want the fans on, his accident scarred us all. We have got box fans now that work just as good and so much safer. Also putting perches in more places for him to land safely in more places.
@wrench13 thank you for linking me on to I love Amazons. These forums have been so helpful on finding information. There is so much information on the internet and some of it contradicts each other.

Thank you x


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Hi all,

Thank you so much for your kind words, it has been a bit hectic. We went to visit Keeks at the vet and we were allowed to bring him home as they said he was probably better at home now. The stress of making sure he actually was ok at home, I could not sleep as I was just so scared.

His Xray came back great… with the injury he sustained we were all so happy there were no breaks or fractures. His X-ray did come back with his liver a bit larger than is should be so keeping an eye on that and making sure his diet is on point. His previous owner said he was mostly on seed and veges.

It has been a week now, he is thriving but we have realised his beak must be damaged as he can’t eat on his own (it just looked like he was) So we have been syringe feeding him and going to take him back to the vet to get his beak checked out and make sure we have been looking after him ok. His right leg is a bit week so keeping that in mind as well.

We haven’t had Keeks long, but I think we will have him a lot longer ♥️ he is a little fighter. I think he is on a road to recovery ❤️‍🩹

Now he is feeling better he is wanting to climb and fly but keeping him in his little cage as I hope that will help him even though he is hating it (I just don’t want him to do anything that could hurt him until I know he is back to eating independently and his grip is better).
Glad to hear your ekkie is recovering. Very fortunate! People that do not have birds, have no idea of the bond we share with them! Hope you and Keeks have a great day!

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