Introducing ...... Cosmo

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  • #21
Yeah, that's what I figured. I gave him some baby spinach, raspberries, blueberries, and some chunks of strawberries. He ate a little bit from my hand and I tossed the rest into his bowl. He seemed to like the raspberry and blueberry. Not so much the baby spinach. Funny how they eat like 1/10 of it and fling the rest. :) he noticed a piece of the raspberry he flung on the side of the cage and picked it off and ate it. He's a little more curious of his cage and walks the sides of the cage. He hasn't gone up to explore the top yet. All his toys are up there. I might just bring one down to the level of the perch he seems to always be on.
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  • #22
Just after the last post, he made his way up here :)
Did you type out loud? I'm sure you did, and Cosmo heard you and decided to show you just what a big boy he is. :D

Can I come and just smooch him? He looks too adorable!!
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  • #24
Sure, might take you a while to get here from Jersey. :) Although he was near you yesterday. His flight came from Newark.
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  • #25
I went to the hardware store to pick up some screws to mount the handle/perch on top of his travel cage. While I was there I picked up a dowel so I can try to use it to get him out of the cage for the vet tomorrow.
So much cuteness! Can't wait to get my own baby hahn's soon :) Glad to hear Cosmo's doing well.
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  • #27
Well, it was a fun day for both of us. Cosmo seemed to like his food and was chomping down all day long. :) I did manage to catch him drinking twice after I moved the water dish next to the food dish, which is closer to the perch he seems to favor. We'll see how stressed out he gets tomorrow after the vet appointment at 8:30 in the am. Lights out and bedtime for birdies while I get ready for work. :)
Please forgive me if this is a stupid question, but is there a general recommendation for how long after you receive a new, weened baby before you take it for its first vet visit with you?
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  • #30
I'm not sure if there is a recommendation, but most breeders have a health guarantee only if you see a vet within 72 hrs of receiving your baby.
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  • #31
It's been over a month and Cosmo seems to be adjusting well. He is now playing with his toys in his cage and on the playstand. He loves his swing/trapeze and the cargo net. Twice the swing came crashing down and Cosmo fluttered to the floor. The nut on the eye bolt loosened up and came off. Yesterday was the second time it happened and I thought it was because I don't have a swivel in between the quick link and the eyebolt. But I found out why it came loose after I tightened it back up. About an hour later I noticed Cosmo climbed all the way up the chain and was loosening the but with his beak. :) Why would you try to disassemble something that you're hanging off of? :) He doesn't really say any words, but he is vocal and tries to say step up and when he calls for me when I come home from work he tries to repeat good morning when I say it to him. Early in the morning and late afternoon he'll start to be very vocal and it sounds like gibberish. Its funny like he's trying to hold a conversation. Can't wait to see what he does next. Seems something new every week. :)
Love the Cosmo updates! Keep them coming.
Awesome update on Cosmo!! So you've got a mechanical engineer on your hand, I see, HAHAHAH.

It won't be long before you're able to clearly understand what he's saying - no doubt in my mind. All that 'jibberish' is just him practicing, just wait and see. :D
Hahahaha! They do seem to have a knack for taking things apart!

There is also a 'bullet-proof box' with little varying size/shape chunks of colored wood (and the respective holes) in it. That didn't seem to take long to figure out but, provided hours of joy. Might be worth looking into.
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  • #36
Another update -
It's been 3 months since I got Cosmo and all is going well. Just had a 3 month check up at the vet and all went well. He's slowly developing a personality and has said a few words here and there. The only words I've heard him say more than once are "Step up" and "Good boy". I did hear him say " Stinker" and "Ouch" once. Lol Its cute when he says it and the few and far between words are fine with me. Rather than never stop talking. Lol I'm also in the process of converting him from the fruity pebble pellets to the natural ones. He'll eat some of them, but mostly pick them out of the dish and throw them on the floor. :) I'm try to get him clicker trained, but he's still afraid of it. Must be the funny looking pink plastic dog bone in my hand. Lol Sorry I haven't been on in a little while. Been working a lot and haven't been online that much. Especially when the little free time I have gets his attention and try to do chores while he's out on the playstand :) I try to get some current photos up soon!
It's so good to hear from you....AND Cosmo!! :D

Pictures would be awesome, if you find the time. Gosh, I can't believe it's been 3 months. Time flies when you're having fun, hey? (PS. Don't work so hard ;))
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  • #38
Here's some pics. It's hard to get good ones when he won't stand still :) He's starting to fill in nicely. Starting to get Orange-ish/red on his shoulders. I thought that wouldn't happen till he matures at about 2yrs.



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  • #40
Yeah he changed in multiple ways. :) He was just squawking like crazy and then I figured out why. He wanted more food, because what I put in his dish earlier is now all over the floor. :)

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