Introducing ...... Cosmo


New member
Sep 2, 2014
Buffalo, NY
Cosmo - Hahn's Macaw
Well I picked up my baby Hahn's a couple hours ago at the airport. I got him home home and opened up the crate and he let poked his head out the top of the crate and let out a huge cry. I picked him up and put him in his cage and freaked out a little bit and then just chilling on the middle of the lower perch just staring at me. :) I tried offering him a treat but wouldn't take it. However he did grab my finger with his foot, but would step up. He just held it and looked at me weird. I don't want to stress him out anymore, so I'm just sitting near his cage and talking to him. I tried to think of what to name him and only one name sticks in my head. So here he is........Cosmo!


At the airport


All scared inside the crate.



What are you staring at? :)
He's a cute little bugger... one of my favorite mini macs.
I'm so excited for you! What a cute bird!

I'm also glad you snapped a picture of the travel cage off too! Now I know what to expect in a few weeks.

Keep us all updated of his progress. I'm sure he will have fun with his new flock!
Congrats! He is soooo cute! And that is some shipping crate, wow.
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Yeah the shipping crate had 3 compartments, he was in the far right compartment.

He took some food from my hand. Ate some pellets and some millet. Then decided to chomp on my fingers. It wasn't really hard, but I told him no bite and took my hand away. He kept doing it so I walked away. Came back in a couple minutes tried again and he was going for my fingers and pushed away his beak with 2 fingers like birdman666 talks about. I think he's either testing me, unsure, or both. :)
I'd lay odds on unsure...
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Almost like he thinks my finger is a pellet or nut. Like he's trying to rachet it with his beak.
THRILLED to hear he's eating some!! :D

And I'm with Mark, he's gotta be pretty confused still. He'll settle in in no time at all. :)
Congrats! Glad to see the baby made it!
Happy Homecoming Day, Cosmo!!

What a handsome little guy! Glad he arrived safely! Congratulations!
Cosmo is adorable! And such a great name choice:)
I'm so happy he made it safe and sound.
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I got home this morning and Cosmo was already awake. When he saw me he started bobbing with his head and body and an occasional squawk. I changed his food and water and then took some more food from his bowl and he took it from my fingers. I got a phone call and he was climbing the sides of the cage and eventually landed on the food bowl and started eating on his own. I still haven't seen him drink any water yet. At least he's starting to explore the cage a little bit with the occasional uneasiness/clumbsiness ending up on the bottom of the cage. When I move my had towards him he still wants to chew on my fingers. Going to be interesting trying to get him out of the cage tomorrow for the vet appointment :-/
Thanks so much for the update! :) If he's eating soft veggies and/or fruit of any sort, he'll get moisture from those.

The head bobbing thing: He was begging to be fed. :54: But as long as he's eating on his own, he'll be fine.

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