Introducing a new budgie - advice please


New member
Apr 21, 2024

We have had Bruno, an English budgie, for around 4-5 months now (he's 6 months old) and we recently got him a friend (Bobby - a 'normal' budgie, 1 month old). Bruno had settled in very well on his own, he became tame very quickly and spent most of each day out of his cage when we were home in and around the bay window where his cage and play area are set up. He seemed quite happy on his own, very playful and active, however as it was always our intention to have a pair (the breeder didn't have a pair available at the time and advised that we get one bird settled before introducing a second) we decided to still go ahead and get Bobby.

We currently have them in separate cages facing each other in the bay window and after a day or so they looked like they were curious to meet each other so we have let them out to play together a couple of times. They haven't fought or anything like that but Bruno just constantly puffs himself up and pecks or chases Bobby away from whatever perch or toy he shows any interest in. I'm guessing it's territorial as Bruno is used to having the bay window to himself, I have bought new perches and toys so he doesn't necessarily see those as 'his' but he still behaves the same way towards Bobby if he goes near.

All I want to know really is, is this likely to continue as long as they meet in the same area? We haven't really got anywhere else in the house where it would be safe to let them out. Will Bruno chill out eventually and accept Bobby or is he more likely to keep defending his territory? Is there anything else I could try to help them get along? It feels like a shame at the minute because they both seem a little bit stressed by the whole situation.



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I don't know budgies, buttt... I love your attitude. God for you for reaching out. While you're waiting for personal, replies, I'd suggest the search engine... it's really helpful. Like... "budgie gets a new friend" or "helping budgies get along"... ?
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I don't know budgies, buttt... I love your attitude. God for you for reaching out. While you're waiting for personal, replies, I'd suggest the search engine... it's really helpful. Like... "budgie gets a new friend" or "helping budgies get along"... ?
Thanks for replying. I will try to spend a bit of time having a proper look around here as you say. I have looked through a lot of Google results and a lot of the advice just says "introduce them in neutral territory", but nothing about what to do if you haven't got a suitable neutral place. I'll see what I can find here
As someone who has introduced new budgies to each other several times, it sounds to me like you are doing everything right. Honestly, this is totally normal behavior for introducing new birds! The fact that they aren’t outright fighting is great. Yes, the established bird is most likely going to be a bit territorial and maybe get annoyed or grumpy with the new bird but in my experience they will work it out with a little time. Having separate toys, perches, and food bowls will go a long way in preventing serious squabbles. Every bird is different and while some of my budgies have gotten along perfectly right away, most of them take a couple weeks to a couple of months before they totally bond with each and become true friends. I’ve never had two budgies that truly couldn’t get along; most of them will have occasional bickering matches over a coveted treat or perching spot but such incidents are rare. Mostly, they get along great and I really do feel like budgies are happiest with another bird companion. Keep doing what you’re doing and I think Bruno and Bobby will soon work out the kinks in their relationship and become friends 🙂
Yeah... birds being introduced to eacho ther tend to bicker a bit until the ...errr.. 'pecking order' is settled. Resident birds tend to be a bit bully-ish at first, but most eventually settle down. If you have a bathroom, you can cover the mirror, cover the toilet and introduce the birds there. Or use another cage if you have one.

Keep up the great work and please keep us updated!
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Thanks so much for your replies, that definitely makes me feel a bit better! I can report that the lads have had a bath together which seemed to distract Bruno for a bit and he does seem a little bit more relaxed generally - he's not guarding everything obsessively any more. I even noticed Bobby trying to preen him earlier which I think is a good sign, even if Bruno did chase him off! The bathroom is a good idea, we are currently having work done in there but I will give it a go at some point once everything is finished and dried. Hopefully they will be best friends by then anyway! Thanks again ☺️


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I've introduced budgies to budgies, conures to conures and quakers to both conures and budgies in the past. They all come out at the same time now and play together all day long. Just give it time. In my experience it takes about a week or so to settle down.

We have had Bruno, an English budgie, for around 4-5 months now (he's 6 months old) and we recently got him a friend (Bobby - a 'normal' budgie, 1 month old). Bruno had settled in very well on his own, he became tame very quickly and spent most of each day out of his cage when we were home in and around the bay window where his cage and play area are set up. He seemed quite happy on his own, very playful and active, however as it was always our intention to have a pair (the breeder didn't have a pair available at the time and advised that we get one bird settled before introducing a second) we decided to still go ahead and get Bobby.

We currently have them in separate cages facing each other in the bay window and after a day or so they looked like they were curious to meet each other so we have let them out to play together a couple of times. They haven't fought or anything like that but Bruno just constantly puffs himself up and pecks or chases Bobby away from whatever perch or toy he shows any interest in. I'm guessing it's territorial as Bruno is used to having the bay window to himself, I have bought new perches and toys so he doesn't necessarily see those as 'his' but he still behaves the same way towards Bobby if he goes near.

All I want to know really is, is this likely to continue as long as they meet in the same area? We haven't really got anywhere else in the house where it would be safe to let them out. Will Bruno chill out eventually and accept Bobby or is he more likely to keep defending his territory? Is there anything else I could try to help them get along? It feels like a shame at the minute because they both seem a little bit stressed by the whole situation.

Just take your time and let them work it out. No need to put them together. If it works out, fine. If not, keep them separate.

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