Inheriting 30yr old bird


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Jul 25, 2021
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Orange tipped Amazon inherited from my father.
I am hoping someone may be able to help my mother and myself. History: My father bought Bird in 1991 and in the early days she was on his shoulder on and off. Shortly thereafter parkinsons started showing and Dad slowly started becoming housebound at which time Bird became his constant companion. If Dad was awake, Bird was on his shoulder. My Mom is not an animal person by any means but she could get Bird on her hand to carry her to Dad when he couldn't get up. My mother cleaned the cage and occasionally fed her until Dad could no longer do that. In the end, we would come to house and find him bloodied and unconscious at times (Cancer) and I know he would have passed sooner if not for her, bless her little heart. My father passed Feb 2012 and Bird transferred to Ma pretty good. She is no where near as close as with Dad but Ma does pet her and they have their moments. Not being an animal person she does not want to learn "bird talk" so when Bird goes poo on her she yells at her but I think she is missing cues from Bird. Anyway, in November she short of fell on the cage and broke a feather and it stuck out at an odd angle. She goes for monthly wing clippings (please don't, I don't agree but it is what it is) and the vet said to let her remove it herself. She started picking at it and the feathers around it so in February we told him to remove it and he gave us a .015% triamcinolone acetonide spray to use. It has done nothing and our local pet shop gave us a Banixx hydronium ion solution which we are trying now. She also now has another feather at an odd angle and the area is getting bigger. My Mom is 73 and is getting housebound and slowing down. Could Bird be sensing this and getting worried about losing Ma? How can I make the Transition from Ma to me easier for her? I clean the cage and feed her but she will not let me near her or she draws blood. Thank you so much in advance. Video attached showing area as best as I could. I will answer any questions you have. I DO NOT WANT HER TO DIE.


  • birdwing.mp4
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@SailBoat @Terry57 @JimsBrother @wrench13
Here are some Amazon keepers! I don't know much about 'zons, what are you feeding her? Can I see a pic of her cage? Here is a great thread on body language, definitely something you'll want to know!

PS: @foxgloveparrot I forgot about you, sorry!
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Lovely Orange Wing Amazon. Amazons are notorious for bonding with one person at a time. They are also fairly pragmatic when they lose a human. For example, I have an Orange Wing who lost his primary caretaker, rather like your girl did. He is pretty amiable about me, so long as I feed regularly and move slowly. Quite the charmer, really. I have other amazons who easily transferred their affections to me. Of course, there are a couple other amazons who will always be standoffish, but we developed a relationship that isn't built on touching. I think she needs to go to a avian vet if she has not been to one lately. You need to rule out a physical reason for the feather issues before trying to work out the other potential issues. Also, as someone said, especially if she is an 'only bird' she needs plenty of toys to entertain herself - they are gregarious creatures who enjoy the company of friends. AND a good diet - good pellets, fresh vegetables and fruits, a few almonds and walnuts would do it. One other question - does she bath in her water dish or otherwise get a bath. Some people get a sprayer and spray in the air over the parrot [think like a soft rain] and the parrot will bath and preen. Finally to answer what can you do - make sure her cage stays the same in your home so there is something familiar. Slowly add more toys. And make sure there is a chair nearby so you can share quiet times while you read or watch TV or work on the computer. Don't isolate her in a little-used room and talk to her. Soon you should be the center of her attention and you can go from there. Good luck with her!
Truly excellent advice provided above!
Read to your Amazon!! This allows them to become comfortable with your voice!
Reading Assignment: Understanding Amazon Body Language! This is a classic in understanding the hardwired behaviors of Amazons in General!! Each Amazon will add they own twist on the basics plus they own! Know the hardwired behavior like a first language! It will save you great pain and speed developing a relationship.
The next is I Love Amazons, ... This is also a classic as it is a foundation for understanding and living with Amazons!!

Yes, you can take-on an Amazon without practicing what is provided within these two classic documents. But, it will greatly speed your introduction to and developing a strong relationship with your Amazon!!
I give my Salty the annual birthday present of a full medical workup at our local Certified Avian Vet (not a cat and dog vet - BIG difference). Not that he appreciates it, but I love him enuff to want to give him the best. Might be a good idea to have Bird checked over thoroughly by a CAV. Orange Wings are pretty mellow Amazons, I think if you calmly start to interject yourself into his life and his care, he will come around. 'Boat said it best - Amazons LOVE to be read to, so why not go to our Amazon sub-forum and read to Bird the entire thread "I Love Amazons", penned by none other then our resident Amazon guru, Sailboat. That and the Amazon Body Language (also written by Mr 'Boat) should be obligatoire reading for any Amazon owner.
Welcome! I'm so glad you're here. Annnd... you're on my HERO-LIST for taking this on. Bless ya!

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