I thought I remember seeing something about this..... months ago. May have even responded on one of the older threads.
Wingnut tested positive for both PBFD and ABV, right? Then negative on the ABV?
I went through a similar scenario with my vet and ABV. Back in March (some may recall this) I adopted a plucked hawkhead parrot. Took him to the vet for a checkup, since I also own an Amazon parrot. They took one look at him and said he needs to be tested for ABV and that they think he's a PDD bird. THIS SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME. My heart sank, and all I could think about was Mopar, my other parrot and what I have done. Long story short, he tested positive for ABV. He also detoriated pretty quickly and ended up dying. I owned him for 11 days. So, I had him sent to Texas a&M for a necropsy. This is where it gets interesting. I contacted them about Kimi (the hawkhead) and they said they did not find ABV in his brain. (Where it usually is found) so they did a full on scan of everything. Speaking of which, I need to email him again to see what's come of that. As for the vet, well ever since that one test came back positive, they basically told me the house was a "borna home" and that my other parrot is going to get it and die. This made me want to shoot myself. I mean, the guilt... it's just too much!! Well, when I talked to Dr. Tizard at A&M and explained to him the situation, he seems to believe that Mopar will be fine. Stated that the ABV virus is unstable, and that to this day they still have birds living in the same aviary as AVB+ birds that test negative continuously. (Oh, that's the other thing. They can test positive, and negative for ABV, it depends on when the virus is being shed. Was told that three consecutive tests will deem a bird negative for the virus.) They seem to believe that its transmitted fecal-oral. So in the case of ABV, your other birds to stand a chance of being fine. Needless to day, I quit going to that vet over this situation. Someone mentioned on one of you threads about how your vet has a stellar rep. So did mine, and up until the ABV issue, I never has an issue with them. So it seems unless something serious happens, then it's all puppy dogs and rainbows.
I took Mopar for his annual checkup at a different vet. (Another well known one in chicagoland area). I explained what went one, and THEY even doubt that it was PDD that killed Kimi. Said that he wasn't showing the typical signs other than feather plucking. And also said it was not very professional of them to treat me like that. Seriously, I felt like a leper. After talking about testing Mopar for ABV, she said it's not worth the stress, since everything came back normal for him, and was in no contact with the other bird.
Sorry for the long-winded response... but just know you are not alone. I feel all of your emotions...... as I went through every one of them. I cried for days on end... I was furious. I was scared out of my mind. I wanted to strangle someone, then strangle myself for exposing Mopar. Heck, I ended up getting pretty sick a week after the ordeal, and I can only attribute that to the 11 days of hell.
I am pulling for you. Hope your babies will be ok. Trust me, you are not alone in this, and don't feel bad for venting on here. It helps. I wholeheartedly agree you need to find a new vet. It pisses me off to no end that they do that.