As a fellow LGBT, I can tell you that this is not at all legal, as Federal Law makes it totally and completely illegal...The problem isn't that it's not illegal, as it is. The problem is proving that the reason your landlord is evicting you is strictly because you are gay and they found out about it...What reason did your landlord give you for evicting you? I'm sure you came home one day and out of nowhere found an eviction-notice hanging on your door and stating the time that you had to get out, etc. But when you spoke to your landlord after getting the eviction-notice, what was the reason he gave you? If you can produce cancelled-checks or receipts showing that you've paid every month's rent in-full since you moved-in to the apartment/house, and you've been given no other "warnings" or issued no other written violations of your lease, etc., then you can certainly fight this...
And I'm not suggesting that you guys stay there long-term, however it's going to be extremely difficult to find a home/homes for all of your birds, especially a temporary home for the two Green Cheeks, as it's going to be open-ended, the people will have no idea how long the birds will be there, etc. So what I'm saying is that you should call a lawyer and at the very least have the lawyer file a "Wrongful-Eviction" suit in your local court. You don't necessarily have to go-through with the suit, you just need to file one in-order to halt the eviction. The court system is extremely slow, and a judge will have to automatically file an injunction blocking the eviction from being carried-out until you go through all of the hearings, etc., which you can keep waiving and asking for extensions/postponements, etc. until you either find a new place to rent that will allow you to keep your birds, or until you find a temporary home for all of them. Then you can drop the Wrongful-Eviction suit all-together. It won't cost you anything to go and speak to an attorney who specializes in housing/leasing laws, the consultation would be free, and he would be immediately able to tell you whether or not you have a valid Wrongful-Eviction suit or not, and how much it would cost you to simply have him "file" the suit, which will automatically stop the eviction and thus buy you some time...And honestly, as long as you've not done something that makes it legal for him to suddenly evict you, then you've got a case...However, if you've even paid one month late, or you've violated any of the terms of your lease at all, even a little tiny one like you put a nail in the wall when you weren't supposed to, then he's got you. Also, if your lease is up for renewal then he has the right to ask you to leave...But if it's an actual "Eviction" notice that you got, and he didn't give you a legal reason for the Eviction, then this is exactly what you need to do in order to literally buy yourself some time so that you aren't forced to give-up your birds.
The court system is there for a reason, and it's extremely slow. This is one of those emergent situations where you should take advantage of this and use it to buy some time...I hope you are able to find a place quickly, I wouldn't think that finding a place that allows birds would be too difficult, dogs yes, but birds that live in cages, and they're all small birds at that, shouldn't be too might want to look at private rentals that are being rented "by-the-owner", like small houses or duplexes, as a private individual will be much more likely to allow you to keep your birds than a housing-complex owned by a company/real-estate agency will...
Good luck, I wish I was closer to you because I'd certainly help in any way I could. But I'm in central Pennsylvania and only have one close friend who lives in TN, in Knoxville, and he's not a bird or animal person at all anyway...
It is legal-
Movement Advancement Project | Non-Discrimination Laws
I really dont want to get caught up in a legal battle or keep giving my money to a homophobe. One apartment I'm looking at allows birds, not as many as I have but I could take the conures with me.
You may have solved your problems by now and so I understand if you dont want to reply. But this is making my head explode. In anger and yes, confusion.
The wording on the Fair Housing Act is bullsh!t, in how it tires to weasel out from covering LGBT.
I know you said you didnt want to pursue it legally, but Im encouraging anyone else who looks this thread up to do so.
From the FHA on the .gov link you posted :
"The Fair Housing Act does not specifically include sexual orientation and gender identity as prohibited bases.
However, discrimination against a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) person may be covered by the Fair Housing Act if it is based on non-conformity with gender stereotypes. For example, if a housing provider refuses to rent to an LGBT person because he believes the person acts in a manner that does not conform to his notion of how a person of a particular sex should act, the person may pursue the matter as a violation of the Fair Housing Actās prohibition of sex."
The thing is, its all doubletalk. Complete bullsh!t. Because the thing is, if you are a woman and are a lesbian, for example, and the lender is throwing you out because youre a lesbian, than you are already acting in a manner with with that lender doesnt believe conforms to your sex. Which should be illegal for them to do.
I get why you dont want to give the scum any more of your money, but no one should have the right to throw people out of housing based on any of this nonsense, and especially not endanger their pets. Why should these freaks have the right to traumatize your birds?
Your mind is made up but I would hope the next person who finds themselves in this position would take it to an attorney. Its worth it to pay this hypocrite his monthly fee , in order to smash him down to bits, in the end. Unless you are afraid for your safety from them or your neighbors, I would bet that they are getting away with this kind of thing specifically because they are doing it underhandedly. Your attorney doesnt have to take this to the public, i n fact you can insist on it that they do not. In most cases, bigots like your landlord dont want to have a light shone on them. In a lot of cases, they can get scared back by you hiring an an attorney, while you go about making plans to leave at a more convenient time for you and your animals, in tow, every last one of them.
The world is changing. The net makes it a smaller place for all of us, w hich can turn into a good thing, sometimes. More an more people are realizing that they cant get away with this sick, venal stuff like this landlord, without some serious consequences. Even in a place like this board, floating on the net, there are people who are willing to band together to help in situations like this one. Hopefully, this never comes up again, but if it does, that we as a group have even more firepower to help the victim with, and something good can come of it.
That so-called law is just complete crap. Not only to LGBT. If a straight or aasexual woman, for example, wore pants all the time, or had a low voice, whats to keep that landlord from discriminating against them, and throwing them out on their heads, too? The way it's written, it's all about the perception the landlord holds, which is insane. And in fact, that should be a legal and successful argument: the landlord is insane. An insane bigot, bully and victimizer, who has a lot of weird ideas, and if you scratched the surface of his life, I bet youd also find a lot of hypocrisy. Can i wish that a person or attorney could turn the tables on this landlord and people like them and give them what-for back? This is the only thing I can hope for right now; this story has me feeling so utterly depressed that it is even allowed to happen in this country. I wish I could do something about it. Care to post the inform for this landlord, so that we could all give tehm a piece of our mind? Or would that make things worse for you?
Anyway to the OP, good luck, and I hope your birds and the rest of your animals fare well. Please update us