Im soo tempted to get a GCC instead of a tiel


New member
Apr 22, 2011
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Maine, USA
Sprite the cinnamon green cheek conure.
But I think they would be too loud and I have already done a lot of research on tiels. Another would be the cost of the bird itself. Maybe someday ^__^
Cockatiels can be just as loud as GCC can be. All the GCC I've been around have been very quiet. For me I love Cockatiels more then conures...I wouldn't even take them when people give them to me for free, mainly Sun Conures people try to give me.
Green cheeks are fairly quite. I live in an apartment and have a pineapple green cheek conure, and it has not been an issue at all. He'll occasionally throw a bit of a tantrum if I don't take him out of the cage once I get home. But I never reinforce this behavior and so it lasts no longer than a few minutes. As far as price goes, it's cheaper if you purchase from a private breeder as opposed to pet stores. I bought my handfed baby for $200.
Hmmm.... Thanks for telling me MikeyTN
I can't speak for GCCs, but my sun conure is really quiet. I think you can get a loud or quiet bird with any variety. I got my bird as an adult and have spent a lot of time doing speech training with him. He doesn't know many words and they are very hard to understand, but he's still "talking" which he wasn't doing when I got him six weeks ago. Whenever he gets into a screaming fit, which isn't often, I just start talking to him. He almost always responds by "talking" instead of screaming. He can chatter on for hours and as long as I keep talking back to him every now and then, he's happy and keeps chattering away. His owner is much happier too :D

I think he's just desperate to communicate with me and without some speech training, the only way he knows to communicate is scream. Not sure if this is the same for other birds, but it works for me.
Hahhaa, thats good :)
I have a male Cockatiel, 2 Suns, and parent GCC's with their babies.

I would say female Cockatiels are usually pretty quiet, but males are just as loud as GCCs. My GCCs are really only annoying to me when I have taken their babies away (like now) and when they hear the chicks cry they'll respond. Both species are much more tolerable when they learn to talk and can be encouraged to do this rather than scream.

My GCCs go for around $200 because of the color, but I've seen some normals lately for $90. I do NOT suggest buying in a petstore.

Suns are loud. Do not even consider if you can't handle noise!
My Green Cheek is really quiet most of the time. Sometimes he gets excited and makes a bit of noise but it's not much at all.
Hmmm.... Thanks for telling me MikeyTN

I got two Conures in the past and been around them enough to know better. They drive me up the walls....They stayed with my best friend cause they like him better since day one. I will say they're extremely smart and they use me while they can. While I was home alone, they want out so they befriend me. The moment they hear my best friend come home, there they go. Fly right to him, I can't even get close or they will bite. He still has the Nanday, the other one was a Jenday died unexpectedly. These were breeder birds I bought off a big breeder that had a ton of birds....
Once upon a time I used to work for a pet store. We had 4 GCC that we were hand feeding. I swear to you these 4 little birds sat around when I wasn't there, and planned their attacks on me. I would go to hand feed them and every single one of them would say forget the food and attack me, and when I walked by the cage they would all give me the stink eye. I am not even lying. :)

I do however think they are cute little birds, those 4 just hated me.
once upon a time i used to work for a pet store. We had 4 gcc that we were hand feeding. I swear to you these 4 little birds sat around when i wasn't there, and planned their attacks on me. I would go to hand feed them and every single one of them would say forget the food and attack me, and when i walked by the cage they would all give me the stink eye. I am not even lying. :)

i do however think they are cute little birds, those 4 just hated me.

lmao!!!!!!!!! :32:
I really wish there were camera phones back then, because I would have taken a picture. If I close my eyes I can see them all sitting there, neatly in a row, eye balling me. For real. lol Little devils they were. ;)
I really wish there were camera phones back then, because I would have taken a picture. If I close my eyes I can see them all sitting there, neatly in a row, eye balling me. For real. lol Little devils they were. ;)

lololol!!!!! i am definitely getting a male tiel because sound wont be a big problem in my house.
if your ever having doubts that you might want another bird go with that bird! because if you dont your still going to want the GCC and not be as happy with your tiel lol my GCC is a lot quieter than my tiel i used to have and you can get a baby that was hand fed for 150 or less =) hope i helped i didnt read anyother posts yet i had to leap to action though lol
I have a solution.

Get Both.
Good solution but I cant.... My mom wouldn't allow it and I only want one bird to start out with. I also want to really bond with it. I think Im gonna stick with a tiel for now but maybe if I really feel like I could get another bird ill get a conure :)

Well as people say the bird chooses you and you dont choose the bird so maybe ill find a conure on craigslist and get it but right now my plan is a tiel :D
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I have a solution.

Well as people say the bird chooses you and you dont choose the bird so maybe ill find a conure on craigslist and get it but right now my plan is a tiel :D

That's the truth. I had no intention on ever getting a sun. I was in a pet store and a 10 year old sun was hiding in the corner of a cage so no one would touch him. The store owner fetched him out with a net and the sun promptly climbed on my shoulder and wouldn't leave. The store owner said I was the first person he did that with. So the sun had a new home. Just keep an open mind and see what you get!
What kind of birdy were you gonna get?
A tiel was my first choice, too. Needless to say, I somehow ended up with a GCC, lol. Whichever one you choose to get, he or she will be very loved and will bring you lots of joy = )

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