I'm loving this bird sooooo much


New member
Apr 6, 2013
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1 timneh African grey
Escher is just wonderful. For a bird I just got Saturday I'm amazed at all the progress. He was on a parrot seed diet and I was worried about switching him to pellets but he eats anything I give him except for bananas. I had made him chop and put crushed pellets in it and he loves it. This morning I gave him straight pellets and he went straight to them and started eatin.
Last night when I told him it was bedtime he said " step up" and picked up his foot for me. He even gave me kisses. He now says "yes" as well as " step up".
I was prepared to have to work with him a while to get to this point, he is spoiling me.
I do h e a question. What does it mean when he fluffs up opens his wings and bobs his head? He has been doing this the past coulple of days when he's on my lap.
That's awesome! He sounds wonderful :)

I'm not sure what that means, taking a video would help so we can see all the body language. Mine bobs his head when he is excited.
I am glad things are going well with your new buddy! He sounds like a great grey! When my grey Quincy bops his head up and down it means he is happy! We've taught him to say "Boppity Bop" when he does it. :)

He doesn't usually open his wings though. It sounds like he is happy, but like Copper said, if you can video tape it we'll have a better idea of what his body language is saying.
That's great he's warming up to you so fast! Is he a baby or did you adopt him? There are a lot of reasons parrots "bob" their heads, and as mentioned, a video would be helpful. Birds can bob their heads to show excitement, as a warning they are feeling aggressive and the regurgitation motion also looks a lot like head bobbing.

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