I'm in love <3


New member
Sep 22, 2007
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Yellow Crowned Amazon~Elvis
I am SOOOOOOOO excited!!! Elvis is gaining so much trust in me. It's funny because he is such a doll when I'm home all day with him, but once my husband comes home in the evening he gets all pissy with me, which leads to me not trusting him and being somewhat fearful. So, I've been working on building trust with him when we are alone and in the morning seems to be a good time. Right now he's sitting on the back of my recliner and can't get enough of my lovin'. I've spent more time this morning cuddling with him than ever and it feels GREAT!!! What a high it is. I have been scratching his head and neck, he's been preening me a bit. Right now he's jealous of me typing and wants more love..so back to it! This is good right? Now if only I can get the guts up to offer him my hand. All those nights when hubby is home got me a bit afraid. I don't wanna lose a finger!! lol
Baby steps is the way to go. I love the feeling when my birds let me do something they have never allowed before. For a while after I brough Kira home, Alliee didn't like me scratching her. Well...since I was in Poland the entire summer, and when I got back...Alliee was just a little freak about getting scratches. She didn't the funniest things when I did scratch her. I was on cloud 9 the rest of the day because of it. She is such a ham.
hehe I'm Emily too! Your conures are absolutely beautiful by the way!!!!

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