I'm honesty devastated.


Active member
Jun 15, 2022
Red-lored amazon hybrid
This is pretty much a vent and I'm not sure where to put it so I'm posting it here (if it's not okay being in this one please let me know).
So, I have a red-lored amazon hybrid, I named her Babe. She's in a horrible situation and she's been for as long as I've known this bird. Being only feed sunflower seeds in a small cage looks a little like this one

but it can't be more than 1ft and a half tall and the bird has duck to go through the door. This cage is hung by a chain above two very noisy dogs and it's in front of a window where children often get to bother her, she's been feather plucking a lot lately and I'm trying to give her a better life.

However, this bird does not belong to me... it's my grandfather's. This man is a manchild who, in my eyes shouldn't have any animals. he's this arrogant narcissistic twit that doesn't do any amount of research on any animal he's ever had, he thinks dogs should get baths only twice a year and don't need to be walked or socialized often, so you could imagine how much he knows about exotic animals like an amazon.

He refuses to feed her anything that I try to give her and I have this informed guess that he throws away some of the stuff I give her... this man sometimes gives her other things that aren't sunflower seeds, like mango pits, those fried dough pieces of junk, and peanuts, but her main diet is still sunflower seeds.

He would rather have the bird dying before admitting he's doing something wrong. I've tried talking to him about how the bird is this aggressive and losing feathers because of his condition and he won't listen to me telling me to "mind my own f****** business"... I just don't know what to do...

I mention the man child bit because as soon as I'm having time with "his toy" he suddenly wants it and wants to spend time with her, but when I leave, the "toy" is back in the cage. I've already mentioned wanting to take the bird with me since I'm willing to take better care of her but you can imagine how that went... I'm desperate and I honestly feel horrible, I just don't know what to do... I've grown attached to this bird and it just breaks my heart to know that as soon as I leave she's going to go back to the same situation...

I've checked and Amazons are illegal in my area (to buy\sell these birds) and you can get a hefty fine or jail (or both) but since this bird was a gift from some dude from Argentina I'm not sure what this means to my grandfather- to be honest, I don't even know what to do, I'm just... Very lost and feeling very, very helpless...

I'm open to any advice I can get so thank you so very much if you read this far, I really need some perspective on this matter...
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This is pretty much a vent and I'm not sure where to put it so I'm posting it here (if it's not okay being in this one please let me know).
So, I have a red-lored amazon hybrid, I named her Babe. She's in a horrible situation and she's been for as long as I've known this bird. Being only feed sunflower seeds in a small cage looks a little like this one
View attachment 41258
but it can't be more than 1ft and a half tall and the bird has duck to go through the door. This cage is hung by a chain above two very noisy dogs and it's in front of a window where children often get to bother her, she's been feather plucking a lot lately and I'm trying to give her a better life.

However, this bird does not belong to me... it's my grandfather's. This man is a manchild who, in my eyes shouldn't have any animals. he's this arrogant narcissistic twat that doesn't do any amount of research on any animal he's ever had, he thinks dogs should get baths only twice a year and don't need to be walked or socialized often, so you could imagine how much he knows about exotic animals like an amazon.

He refuses to feed her anything that I try to give her and I have this informed guess that he throws away some of the stuff I give her... this man sometimes gives her other things that aren't sunflower seeds, like mango pits, those fried dough pieces of shit, and peanuts, but her main diet is still sunflower seeds.

He would rather have the bird dying before admitting he's doing something wrong. I've tried talking to him about how the bird is this aggressive and losing feathers because of his condition and he won't listen to me telling me to "mind my own fucking business"... I just don't know what to do...

I mention the man child bit because as soon as I'm having time with "his toy" he suddenly wants it and wants to spend time with her, but when I leave, the "toy" is back in the God damn cage. I've already mentioned wanting to take the bird with me since I'm willing to take better care of her but you can imagine how that went... I'm desperate and I honestly feel horrible, I just don't know what to do... I've grown attached to this bird and it just breaks my heart to know that as soon as I leave she's going to go back to the same situation...

I've checked and Amazons are illegal in my area (to buy\sell these birds) and you can get a hefty fine or jail (or both) but since this bird was a gift from some dude from Argentina I'm not sure what this means to my grandfather- to be honest, I don't even know what to do, I'm just... Very lost and feeling very, very helpless...

I'm open to any advice I can get so thank you so very much if you read this far, I really need some perspective on this matter...
Wow... I'm really sorry 🫂 I can't imagine how hard this is for you.
Can you call a local SPCA? Or police? Of course, only do so if you are in/can get to a safe place.
Oh no…I’m so sorry.

Maybe Laura is right. Or if the bird were taken by the police, would it have a better life? Anonymous tip?

That cage is too small for almost any bird. ☹️
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My only half kidding advice
That you probably should not take.
The burd is mysteriously stolen/ escaped while you have iron clad alibi
I was thinking the same thing.
My only half kidding advice
That you probably should not take.
The burd is mysteriously stolen/ escaped while you have iron clad alibi
Totally agree... "what do you mean the bird was stolen, grand dad?"😇. Then if he ever found out that you have the same kind of bird you could tell him that you bought this one yourself after you weren't allowed his one.
I'm actually considering it, in the end I'm cutting contact with this side of the family once I'm gone so 👀
I have "lost" all my family members because they can't accept anyone who doesn't agree with them... it was more for my mental state of mind that I cut them from my life. Sometimes being blood isn't being family. Blood, for you in this instance, is more Babe than your grandfather. Keep us posted please. xx
Please try and report him to your local SPCA/Police station. The conditions the bird is kept in is terrible and downright abuse, and the fact that he refuses to listen to you is even worse. Even the dogs are in terrible conditions. How someone can do zero socialization and bath them only when extremely dirty, I do not know. There is no excuse for this treatment.
I have "lost" all my family members because they can't accept anyone who doesn't agree with them... it was more for my mental state of mind that I cut them from my life. Sometimes being blood isn't being family. Blood, for you in this instance, is more Babe than your grandfather. Keep us posted please. xx
I'm happy you got out of a toxic situation! I'll keep ya'll updated ^^
Im so sorry to hear about the Bird and dogs situation. I rescued a bird myself that was in similar circumstance. I agree with everyone- Report the arrogant narcissistic twit ! Then make sure to let the ASPCA know you want the bird- are familiar with him and he is familiar with you and you will gladly take responsibility for it. Good Luck!!
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At this point - as it sounds like you don’t intend to have contact with this family member in the near future - it’s probably time to report him to your local animal control. The SPCA (if you are in the US) is a non profit private org but animal control is run by your state government and its agents are authorized to remove animals and take responsible parties to court. Gather as much evidence as possible - photos and video are great. If you can get the bird to a vet to be examined that would really be a huge win also. You can use the vet report as further indication that the bird is unwell.

I hope you’re able to get Babe out of this situation. I’m so sorry that some people really do see animals as objects and not as living beings deserving of respect and care.
For those wanting to report to Ac/SPCA if the cage is clean with clean water and foood there is not much they can do. May offer to buy the bird (have one of your parents offer to give money ) to give to you. I'll pray a resolution is made and the bird gets a wonderful life moving forward.

Another thing is you can maybe plan an scenario where it looks like the bird flew away if above does not work / or instead off that wY if reported to the police they are not necessarily looking for a stolen bird.
Have you thought about registering Pheonix as an ESA so you could keep him/her? Also have you've tried sound proofing? Adding extra throw carpets maybe hanging heavy curtains against the shared the walls? Sorry if I'm over stepping... i thought of these things earlier today and wanted to share it with you

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