
New member
May 8, 2018
Hi everyone -

I have a male Eclectus that I just agreed to accept for rehome. He's in another state, coming home in a month and I feel like I could use all the advice possible :)

He attempted to be used for breeding but didn't produce viable clutches, so the owner decided to let them go. I'm just a nervous Nancy trying to start somewhere helpful for him instead of traumatizing him. As for the vet, I plan to take him to the vet for a full checkup after I can clean up his diet and build some relationship with him since I don't want him to think he can't trust me at all. He's unbanded. I hope to, in the future, microchip him instead to use as an official ID.

The Observed Behavior: He's skittish some, and showed some aggressive behavior (eye pinning, nipping, some wing flaps) coming out of the cage and being on a stand. I figure they were because I'm new to him, and they were just trying to breed them so he's probably hormonal to boot. I cringed a little inside when I saw him running his hands down his back and around the parrot as I've read before that touching elsewhere other than heads can contribute to hormonal aggression. But he's used to him so to me it was a sign of their good standing with each other. Interestingly, he also started to crouch down low in his perch, wings fluttering, tail feathers fanned slightly. He acted like he wanted to fly to the breeder but didn't. Seemed like he didn't know how to fly or was scared to/not used to it.

I didn't force him to step up when I got warning bites though he did step up for me a couple of times eventually. Breeder told me I had to be confident, and while I agreed I could tell that this bird needs someone to be patient with them instead. I believe he has the potential to be a sweetheart when he does get used to me. I watched him perch on the breeder's shoulder and preen him. The breeder could pet him and manipulate him, but I could tell he was just tolerating it as he shook off the hand quickly. I had to move slowly to handle him at all. I was told he is tame, but I believe he's only semi-tame after meeting him. He also is cage-aggressive.

The Munchies: Right now, he's on a FULL pellet diet. They said he's not getting fresh fruits or veg as the pellet has all that (The Pretty Bird Eclectus Diet) - The first ingredients are fillers so I'm definitely going to change to TOPS brand pellets. They didn't have any toys, and the cage was kind of small for the two of them together. I had met another parrot who needed rehoming who was so sweet, in comparison, definitely less "work" in terms of training for tameness and friendliness - he will have no trouble getting rehomed. But after seeing the Eclectus' home conditions (clearly not the most ideal, but I doubt the worst) I believe he needed someone to be present for him who was willing to put in time to work with him and such. He was with the breeder for a year only. I think once I fix his diet, he'll come around a lot. It's obvious that the breeder cares for him, but I think that the diet and cage need some tending to. Breeder did say he does get to come out of his cage some. He's definitely got a screech! I'm hoping that he's a lot more on the quieter side to begin with.

I have been researching Eclectus parrots for a long time in hopes of one day being owned by one, and I have had a smaller bird, but not above. It's a big step, but I truly believe I can give him a great home. Humbly, I would like some advice on how to approach his care and transition for the first week as this is a breeder bird now learning how to be "just a bird." I want to do right by him as much as possible.

Here's my plan:
Day 1: Introduce his cage and fresh chop/start pellet conversion to a different brand (TOPS, but if other Eclectus owners have different suggestions, feel free to add below). I'll leave his cage open so he can come out when he wants, but whatever I'm doing, he can be a part of it if he shows interest. Otherwise, I'll be working near his cage and talking to him softly throughout the day and such.
Days 2-7: Introduce target training. Treat test to figure out what he likes. Peanuts are a favorite per the breeder, but I'd like to lean away and introduce other types of treats like walnuts or pumpkin seeds. I intend to work on the food conversion and body language between he and I. He didn't have toys, so I'd like to introduce him to some toys and foraging once he gets used to it.
The rest of the month - is to work on basic tricks like step-up, step-down, spin and wave (we'll see how much he'll let me get away with lol). I'd like to introduce a little stroller or backpack to him to allow him to come out with me and go on walks.

Should I just keep him in his cage for the first few days? I was thinking about target training from inside the new cage to start. I'm wondering if I should trim his flight feathers for now to prevent attacks while we get used to each other and build that relationship. I'm angling, however, to keep them until I figure out if flying to attack is a problem. The breeder said he's never bitten or attacked him, but I'll see how he responds to me and decide accordingly.

I have an idea of where to start, but I think because he's a little bigger, I'm a lot more cautious.

I have the BirdTricks seasonal diet to help me go off on chop recipes and such, and the chop suggestions on these Eclectus threads.

Any suggestions on how to approach this would be helpful. His plumage is still beautiful, but I can see some thinning on his head. I feel drawn to him and want to do the best I can to help him be a bird. I know it could be years before he could be fully comfortable with me, but I'd like to try.

Thank you all for your patience!

I have a cage and a 6-foot-tall bird stand. Over the month I'll be collecting more things for him toy, treat and training wise, making the best way for him before I can take him home.

I'm excited and nervous all at the same time!
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Welcome to the forums! You’re off to a great start preparing for your new bird by researching and planning! Keep it up! I think people often underestimate how much planning and knowledge it takes to be prepared for a new bird.

I think you have a lot of great ideas here and switching his diet and starting target training will all be wonderful things to do. But - my advice is to throw any preconceived plans of a daily schedule or timeline out the window. You need to go at his pace and his pace might be different than your expectations. Do your best to read his body language to see what he’s comfortable with and when. I’d keep all your ideas as “goals” without any date attached to them.

I would suggest not changing the diet at all for the first few days/week. He will be having so many changes at once with the new home and cage - keep the food the same at first. Let him settle in and get familiar with his new surroundings and then try introducing the veggies and chop. I would also likely not start target training on the second day. Since it sounds like he may be a bit under socialized I think it will likely take more time before he is ready for that. And you’ll need to figure out what his favorite treat is for training first.

I’d spend the first couple of days just getting him in his cage, spending time in the room near him, and observe how he does. If he seems like he wants to interact with you then go for it. Otherwise give him some space and time.

Congratulations and please keep us posted! Feel free to ask questions here.
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Welcome to the forums! You’re off to a great start preparing for your new bird by researching and planning! Keep it up! I think people often underestimate how much planning and knowledge it takes to be prepared for a new bird.

I think you have a lot of great ideas here and switching his diet and starting target training will all be wonderful things to do. But - my advice is to throw any preconceived plans of a daily schedule or timeline out the window. You need to go at his pace and his pace might be different than your expectations. Do your best to read his body language to see what he’s comfortable with and when. I’d keep all your ideas as “goals” without any date attached to them.

I would suggest not changing the diet at all for the first few days/week. He will be having so many changes at once with the new home and cage - keep the food the same at first. Let him settle in and get familiar with his new surroundings and then try introducing the veggies and chop. I would also likely not start target training on the second day. Since it sounds like he may be a bit under socialized I think it will likely take more time before he is ready for that. And you’ll need to figure out what his favorite treat is for training first.

I’d spend the first couple of days just getting him in his cage, spending time in the room near him, and observe how he does. If he seems like he wants to interact with you then go for it. Otherwise give him some space and time.

Congratulations and please keep us posted! Feel free to ask questions here.
Thanks for the tips and reminder!
Hi! Welcome! I have a female ekkie as you see, I’ve only had her for about a month so I don’t have much advise, but, eclectus parrots are food flingers, so prepare to get messy! My Ruby loves millet sticks so I give that to her as treats and some AG parrot seed, dried fruit, nuts and pellet mix, she loves it!
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Hi! Welcome! I have a female ekkie as you see, I’ve only had her for about a month so I don’t have much advise, but, eclectus parrots are food flingers, so prepare to get messy! My Ruby loves millet sticks so I give that to her as treats and some AG parrot seed, dried fruit, nuts and pellet mix, she loves it!
Oh yes, Food flinger and parrot soup was what my Hahn's also loved to do. He always made such a mess and would be proud of it and acted cute when it was time to clean it up.

I do have the BirdTricks diet, and was going to get TOPS also, but I'll look into the AG seed mixes too! I'm going to try lay off the fruits, and stuff for him in the beginning and stick to mainly veggies and pellets. I'm worried about bringing this guys' hormones to a calm first!

How is Ruby?! She's beautiful!
Oh yes, Food flinger and parrot soup was what my Hahn's also loved to do. He always made such a mess and would be proud of it and acted cute when it was time to clean it up.

I do have the BirdTricks diet, and was going to get TOPS also, but I'll look into the AG seed mixes too! I'm going to try lay off the fruits, and stuff for him in the beginning and stick to mainly veggies and pellets. I'm worried about bringing this guys' hormones to a calm first!

How is Ruby?! She's beautiful!
Ruby is very fine! Thanks, Ruby’s gonna be so happy about soooo many people calling her beautiful! And yes, the idea about sticking to veggies and pellets can work but also give a little piece of fruit once in two or three days. (Just a Suggestion);)
Hi everyone -

I have a male Eclectus that I just agreed to accept for rehome. He's in another state, coming home in a month and I feel like I could use all the advice possible :)

He attempted to be used for breeding but didn't produce viable clutches, so the owner decided to let them go. I'm just a nervous Nancy trying to start somewhere helpful for him instead of traumatizing him. As for the vet, I plan to take him to the vet for a full checkup after I can clean up his diet and build some relationship with him since I don't want him to think he can't trust me at all. He's unbanded. I hope to, in the future, microchip him instead to use as an official ID.

The Observed Behavior: He's skittish some, and showed some aggressive behavior (eye pinning, nipping, some wing flaps) coming out of the cage and being on a stand. I figure they were because I'm new to him, and they were just trying to breed them so he's probably hormonal to boot. I cringed a little inside when I saw him running his hands down his back and around the parrot as I've read before that touching elsewhere other than heads can contribute to hormonal aggression. But he's used to him so to me it was a sign of their good standing with each other. Interestingly, he also started to crouch down low in his perch, wings fluttering, tail feathers fanned slightly. He acted like he wanted to fly to the breeder but didn't. Seemed like he didn't know how to fly or was scared to/not used to it.

I didn't force him to step up when I got warning bites though he did step up for me a couple of times eventually. Breeder told me I had to be confident, and while I agreed I could tell that this bird needs someone to be patient with them instead. I believe he has the potential to be a sweetheart when he does get used to me. I watched him perch on the breeder's shoulder and preen him. The breeder could pet him and manipulate him, but I could tell he was just tolerating it as he shook off the hand quickly. I had to move slowly to handle him at all. I was told he is tame, but I believe he's only semi-tame after meeting him. He also is cage-aggressive.

The Munchies: Right now, he's on a FULL pellet diet. They said he's not getting fresh fruits or veg as the pellet has all that (The Pretty Bird Eclectus Diet) - The first ingredients are fillers so I'm definitely going to change to TOPS brand pellets. They didn't have any toys, and the cage was kind of small for the two of them together. I had met another parrot who needed rehoming who was so sweet, in comparison, definitely less "work" in terms of training for tameness and friendliness - he will have no trouble getting rehomed. But after seeing the Eclectus' home conditions (clearly not the most ideal, but I doubt the worst) I believe he needed someone to be present for him who was willing to put in time to work with him and such. He was with the breeder for a year only. I think once I fix his diet, he'll come around a lot. It's obvious that the breeder cares for him, but I think that the diet and cage need some tending to. Breeder did say he does get to come out of his cage some. He's definitely got a screech! I'm hoping that he's a lot more on the quieter side to begin with.

I have been researching Eclectus parrots for a long time in hopes of one day being owned by one, and I have had a smaller bird, but not above. It's a big step, but I truly believe I can give him a great home. Humbly, I would like some advice on how to approach his care and transition for the first week as this is a breeder bird now learning how to be "just a bird." I want to do right by him as much as possible.

Here's my plan:
Day 1: Introduce his cage and fresh chop/start pellet conversion to a different brand (TOPS, but if other Eclectus owners have different suggestions, feel free to add below). I'll leave his cage open so he can come out when he wants, but whatever I'm doing, he can be a part of it if he shows interest. Otherwise, I'll be working near his cage and talking to him softly throughout the day and such.
Days 2-7: Introduce target training. Treat test to figure out what he likes. Peanuts are a favorite per the breeder, but I'd like to lean away and introduce other types of treats like walnuts or pumpkin seeds. I intend to work on the food conversion and body language between he and I. He didn't have toys, so I'd like to introduce him to some toys and foraging once he gets used to it.
The rest of the month - is to work on basic tricks like step-up, step-down, spin and wave (we'll see how much he'll let me get away with lol). I'd like to introduce a little stroller or backpack to him to allow him to come out with me and go on walks.

Should I just keep him in his cage for the first few days? I was thinking about target training from inside the new cage to start. I'm wondering if I should trim his flight feathers for now to prevent attacks while we get used to each other and build that relationship. I'm angling, however, to keep them until I figure out if flying to attack is a problem. The breeder said he's never bitten or attacked him, but I'll see how he responds to me and decide accordingly.

I have an idea of where to start, but I think because he's a little bigger, I'm a lot more cautious.

I have the BirdTricks seasonal diet to help me go off on chop recipes and such, and the chop suggestions on these Eclectus threads.

Any suggestions on how to approach this would be helpful. His plumage is still beautiful, but I can see some thinning on his head. I feel drawn to him and want to do the best I can to help him be a bird. I know it could be years before he could be fully comfortable with me, but I'd like to try.

Thank you all for your patience!

I have a cage and a 6-foot-tall bird stand. Over the month I'll be collecting more things for him toy, treat and training wise, making the best way for him before I can take him home.

I'm excited and nervous all at the same time!
My first Eckie was on that and there is dye in there and sugar if you can afford it put him on harrisons that is what mine is on and what a difference . He has never bit me no hormonal stuff my other guy that is all he wanted to do .. even if he doesnt want vegies this food has it all in it . Harrisons adult lifetime course 5lb bag is like 45.00 and i get a 1 pound bag of the pepper and mix it up . with walnuts , almonds , on top .. . good luck .
The only pellet i would ever trust to feed my ekkie is Topps organic cold pressed pellets. I would not feed Harrisons as that is a corn based pellet (it also contains soy which is a big no no). Corn is high in sugar. One thing that ekkies dont need is SUGAR. You will find that eclectus are very sensitive to their diets. The diet should mainly consist of veggies (no corn or peas) with some fruit. Nuts for training. Pellets occasionally. Most importantly never feed them anything with artificial colors or anything that says its "vitamin enriched". Their bodies can not tolerate synthetic vitamins and if fed that, it can result in wing flipping and toe tapping. Here is a before and after picture of my girl. You can see the difference that a correct diet can make. Her before picture was taken the day we rescued her, the after picture is her now. Best wishes to you and your new ekkie. Please post pictures when you can. :)


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